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100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge - Guardian Cities

The Guardian recently launched Guardian Cities, an online news hub for high-quality reporting, analysis, and debate about the challenges and opportunities our cities face in the 21st century.

There's already a lot of great content to explore. I thought you'd want to read these stories in particular:

"Los Angeles: A city that outgrew its masterplan. Thank God."

A longtime Angeleno makes the case that Los Angeles's notorious sprawl and lack of uniformity create "a distinctive type of vitality that I've felt nowhere else" -- and should be a model for any new metropolis.


"Christchurch: After the earthquake, a city rebuilt in whose image?"

A 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand's second-largest city, left thousands homeless and destroyed the city center's infrastructure. As rebuilding efforts slowly begin, residents debate what kind of city the new Christchurch should become.


"Ishinomaki: New communities rise from tsunami's devastating divisions"

Fifteen thousand Ishinomaki residents still live in temporary housing after a 2011 tsunami. Once strangers thrown together from different parts of the city, these groups have become communities in their own right. What happens when their new homes are ready?


Explore the new Guardian Cities:


Michael Berkowitz
Managing Director, 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge
The Rockefeller Foundation


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