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ABC Radio National explores Europe through 'Crisis and Creativity' series

Europe as an idea of fairness, democracy and freedom is under attack. Radical nationalists are using fear of immigration to shift voting patterns around the world, and Europe is the epicentre. But underneath all this there are creative responses, ones that can only happen with a shift in perception and certain childlike belief.

The EU Centre at RMIT University, ABC RN along with former EU Qantas Journalism Award winner Lyn Gallacher and Michael Shirrefs have produced a series on creativity in Europe.

Beginning today Monday 22 August at 11:00 am on the Radio National 'Earshot' programme, Part 1 looks at Europe in the wake of Brexit, ongoing terrorist attacks, and the arrival of millions of refugees and asks, "does anyone know what Europe stands for anymore"? 

Continuing until Thursday, the four part series explores various areas including migration, drawing, and artistic transformation.

Website and links to podcasts if you miss the programme can be found here.

European Union Centre at RMIT
Building 5, Level 2, Room 21


The European Union Centre at RMIT University is funded through a grant from the European Union and RMIT University



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