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ALADIN Online Alert 24

The ALADIN Online Alert is a joint ALADIN initiative, produced bimonthly by the UIL Library and CDÉACF, with input from additional ALADIN members from all over the world. Its goal is to share recent online and full-text information and documents in the area of adult and lifelong learning. To propose items for upcoming alerts, please contact the ALADIN coordinator Lisa Krolak. To view older ALADIN Online Alerts, please visit the ALADIN news site.

Dear ALADIN community,

In this ALADIN Online Alert, I would like to highlight the following articles:

I wish you enjoyable reading,
Lisa Krolak, ALADIN coordinator


Adult Learning


Education for values - continuity and context: Proceedings of CIEA 2018
Fifth International Conference on Adult Education, 11/2018

Role and impact of adult education
Source: Adult Education and Development, no 85, 11/2018 Lang: ENG, FRE, SPA
Special Anniversary Issue: Pedagogy of the Oppressed / Aitken, Mel; Shaw, Mae
Source: Concept, vol. 9, no 3, 11/2018

Europe and North America

Adult Education in Europe 2018: A Civil Society View
Source: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), 11/2018

IDEAL Distance Education and Blended Learning Handbook
Vanek, Jenifer; Simpson, Destiny; Johnston, Jerome; Petty, Leslie I.
Source: IDEAL Consortium-World Education, 08/2018
Influence, involve and train: Manual for practitioners, providers and policy-makers
Source: Outreach, Empowerment, Diversity, 10/2018

Partnerships and Cooperations in Adult Education
Source: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), 12/2018

Latin America and the Caribbean

Desafíos de las políticas públicas de EPJA en América Latina y el Caribe
Source: Decisio, Special Issue, No. 50, Mayo, 08/2018 Lang: SPA

Adult Literacy


Building tomorrow’s digital skills - what conclusions can we draw from international comparative indicators?
Source: UNESCO, 10/2018

Can we close gaps in literacy by social background over the life course? Evidence from synthetic 1950-1980 birth cohorts Chmielewski, Anna K.
Source: OECD, 09/2018 Lang: ENG, FRE
Language and Literacy Programmes for Migrants and Refugees: Challenges and Ways Foward / Hanemann, Ulrike
Source: UNESCO, Background paper prepared for the 2019 GEM report, 11/2018

Results, methodological aspects and advancements of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)
Source: Large-scale Assessments in Education, 11/2018

Asia and the Pacific

Effects of Adult Literacy Program on Women´s Lives in the Rural Areas of Islamabad Capital Territory: A Case of National Commission for Human Development
Naz, Shaista; Ali, Basit; Afridi, Muhammad Jamil; Khan, Noor Paio
Source: International Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education, Vol 2, No 3, 12/2018
From ‘empowerment’ to ‘compliance’: Neoliberalism and adult literacy provision in Australia / Black, Stephen
Source: Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, vol 16, no 1, 04/2018

Europe and North America

A Description of U.S. Adults Who Are Not Digitally Literate
Mamedova, Saida; Pawlowski, Emily
Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 05/2018

Adult Inmates’ Motivation for Participation in Educational Programs in Greece
Papaioannou, Vasiliki; Anagnou, Evaggelos; Vergidis, Dimitris
Source: International Education Studies, vol. 11, no 6, 05/2018

Digital Access, Inclusion and Learning in Community Adult Literacy Centres: A cross-case analysis of six community-based programs in Ontario’s Literacy and Basic Skills system / Pinsent-Johnson, Christine
Source: AlphaPlus, 11/2018 Lang: ENG, FRE
Guide d'initiatives en médiation numérique en bibliothèques : au Québec et ailleurs
Source: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), 10/2018 Lang: FRE

Homeless Adults, Technology and Literacy Practices
McGrail, Ewa; Tinker Sachs, Gertrude; Lewis Ellison, Tisha; Dukes, Nicole; Zackery, Kathleen
Source: Journal of Literacy and Technology; vol. 19, no 2, (Winter 2018), 11/2018

Lifelong Learning


Global Education Monitoring Report 2018: Migration, displacement and education
Source: UNESCO, 11/2018 Lang: ARA, CHI, ENG, FRE, RUS, SPA,

Lifelong Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals
Atchoarena, David
Source: UIL Blog, 12/2018
SDG 4 Data Digest 2018: Data to Nurture Learning
Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), 12/2018

Skills on the Move: Migrants in the Survey of Adult Skills
Source: OECD, 10/2018 Lang: ENG, FRE

Europe and North America

Euro-Mediterranean Integration Through Lifelong Learning (EU-MILL): A memory of cooperation and dialogue on Education in the Mediterranean basin
Source: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2017
Life Skills For Europe: Awareness Raising & Strategy Toolkit
Source: Life Skills for Europe, 12/2018

La professionnalisation peut-elle ignorer l'employabilité ? Applications à l'enseignement supérieur et à la formation tout au long de la vie
Source: CEREQ, 12/2018 Lang: FRE

Technical and Vocational Education
and Training


Does work-based learning facilite transitions to decent work?
Comyn, Paul; Brewer, Laura
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), 07/2018

Pathways of progression: linking technical and vocational education and training with post-secondary education
Field, Simon; Guez, Ava
Source: UNESCO, 11/2018
Social Dimension and Participation in VET-System
Source: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET), 11/2018

Taking a whole of government approach to skills development
Source: UNESCO, 11/2018


Acteurs et partenariats dans le secteur de la formation professionnelle
Source: UNESCO Dakar, 01/2018 Lang: FRE

Asia and the Pacific

The Experiences of Learners with Disabilities in Mainstream Vocational Training in Nepal
Adhikari, Eka Raj
Source: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET), vol. 5, no 4, 12/2018

Towards a tertiary future
Source: IRU discussion paper, 12/2018

Unaccredited training: why employers use it and does it meet their needs? / White, Ian; De Silva, Navinda; Rittie, Toni
Source: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 12/2018

Europe and North America

Education and Training Monitor 2018
Source: European Commission,10/2018

European cooperation in VET: one process, many stops
Source: CEDEFOP, 11/2018

Globalisation opportunities for VET
Source: CEDEFOP,12/2018

Source: European Training Foundation (ETF), issue 43, 11/2018

Skills strategy for Londoners: evidence base
Source: Greater London Authoriy, 06/2018
TVET governance: the role of institutional leaders / Graham, Faith; Dean, Andrew
Source: British Council, 03/2018

Work-Based Learning: Model Policy Components / Zinth, Jennifer
Source: Education Commission of the States, 09/2018

What future for vocational education and training in Europe?
Source: CEDEFOP, 11/2018

Latin America and the Caribbean

Educación Técnica y Formación Profesional en América Latina y el Caribe: desafíos y oportunidades
Fiszbein, Ariel; Oviedo, María; Stanton, Sarah
Source: Corporación Andina de Fomento, 11/2018 Lang: SPA
The ALADIN Online Alert is a joint ALADIN initiative, produced bimonthly by the UIL Library and CDÉACF, with input from additional ALADIN members from all over the world. Its goal is to share recent online and full-text information and documents in the area of adult and lifelong learning.

To propose items for upcoming alerts, please contact the ALADIN coordinator Lisa Krolak.
To view older ALADIN Online Alerts, please visit the ALADIN website.
Please note: Some hyperlinks might change over time.

Hyperlinks to online materials imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in these materials on the part of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). These hyperlinks should not be construed as an endorsement by UNESCO UIL of the validity, accuracy or views expressed therein.
For recent online information on curriculum development, education systems and educational trends worldwide, please consult the IBE Online Alert.
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