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ALADIN Online Alert 34 - November 2020

The ALADIN Online Alert is a joint ALADIN initiative, produced bimonthly by the UIL Library and CDÉACF, with input from additional ALADIN members from all over the world. Its goal is to share recent online and full-text information and documents in the area of adult and lifelong learning. To propose items for upcoming alerts, please contact the ALADIN coordinator Lisa Krolak. To view older ALADIN Online Alerts, please visit the ALADIN news site.

Dear ALADIN community,

In this ALADIN Online Alert, I would like to highlight the following documents:

I wish you enjoyable reading,
Lisa Krolak, ALADIN coordinator


Adult Learning


Adult learning and education and COVID-19
Source: UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response, Issue note no 2.6, 10/2020

Adult Journalling: A Method of Learning and of Assessment / Osteneck, Ursula
Source: Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice; vol 20, no 4, 8/2020

The Determinants of Adult Education: Evidence from an International Study
Zhen, Tan Bao; Choo, Aggie
Source: Institute for Adult Learning, 7/2020
Large-Scale Cognitive Assessment: Analyzing PIAAC Data / Maehler, Débora B.; Rammstedt, Beatrice (eds.)
Source: Springer, Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment Book Series, 7/2020

PIAAC Thematic Review on Adult Learning
Desjardins, Richard
Source: OECD Education Working Papers, 7/2020
Lang: ENG, FRE

Understanding and promoting positive behaviour in the FE sector
Source: Education & Training Foundation, 10/2020


Arab States

Exploring the dominant learning styles of adult learners in higher education
Amponsah, Samuel
Source: International Review of Education (IRE), 7/2020
Trends in adult learning and education in the Arab States: findings from the 4th Global report on adult learning and education
Source: UIL, 9/2020

Asia and the Pacific

Examining the Design of Microlearning for Korean Adult Learners / So, Hyo-Jeong; Lee, Hyeran; Roh, Seak-Zoon
Source: Computer-Based Learning in Context; vol. 2, 8/2020

Europe and North America

Adult education and gender / Agatha Devlin
Source: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), Background paper, 7/2020

Adult education and Numeracy & Finance
Source: ELM Magazine, No 3, 10/2020

“Branding Bildung” : Commodifying the Uniqueness of Popular Education / Fejes, Andreas; Aman, Robert; Nyström, Sofia
Source: Adult Education Quarterly, 10/2020

Compendium of Innovative Practices: Secondary Credentialing Programs for Adults
Alamprese, Judith; Cheng, I-Fang
Source: LINCS, 9/2020

COVID-19 Further Education and Training (FET) Learner Report / Dowdall, Leah; Lovejoy, Laura; Farren, Kalianne
Source: AONTAS, 7/2020

How to Unlock the Power of Prison Education
Steurer, Stephen J.
Source: ETS Center for Research on Human Capital and Education, 8/2020
“Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A - ISEV” Project: A transformative intergenerational learning model: Evaluation report / Curatola, Eleonora et al.
Source: Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV), 8/2020

L’implantation de communautés d’apprentissage professionnelles à la formation générale des adultes, une réponse à l’importance d’une formation continue répondant aux besoins et aux intérêts des enseignants Labrecque, Nicole
Source: Université de Sherbrooke, 10/2020
Lang: FRE

The potential of Online Learning for adults: Early lessons from the COVID-19 crisis
Source: OECD, 7/2020

Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Learner progress report
Source: Education & Training Foundation, 5/2020

Tinkering: Addressing the Adults: A Theoretical and Methodological Framework
Harris, Emily et al.
Source: Tinkering EU: Addressing the Adults, 8/2020

Latin America and the Caribbean

Educação popular e Extensão Universitária em Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e Direito Humano à Alimentação Adequada e Saudável: um caminho metodológico possível
Machado, Beatriz Oliveira Blackman; Oliveira, Anelise Rizzolo de
Source: DEMETRA ; vol. 15, 8/2020
Lang: ENG, POR
Paulo Freire and the daily concrete of Popular Education in Brazil’s Northeast
Santana, Leyla Menezes de; Lucini, Marizete; Almeida, Lívia Jéssica Messias de
Source: Research, Society and Development; vol. 9, no 10, 10/2020
Lang: ENG, POR

Adult Literacy


Abilities in the blind spot of testing regimes: Eliciting the benefits and the limitations of participatory research approaches for numeracy in adult basic education
Curdt, Wiebke; Schreiber-Barsch, Silke
Source: International Review of Education (IRE); vol. 66, 8/2020

Assessing adults’ skills on a global scale: A joint analysis of results from PIAAC and STEP / Keslair, François; Paccagnella, Marco
Source: OECD Education Working Papers, 10/2020
Lang: ENG, FRE

Référentiel de compétences harmonisé: Deuxième phase de la recherche-action sur la mesure des apprentissages des bénéficiaires des programmes d'alphabétisation
Bolly, Madina; Megherbi, Hakima
Source: UIL
Lang: FRE

Self-Study Guide for Evidence-Based Practices in Adult Literacy Education
Smith, Kevin G.; Lee, Laurie; Osborne-Lampkin, La’Tara; Rall, June
Source: Institute of Education Sciences, 5/2020


Asia and the Pacific

Exploring adult basic education and training as a transformative learning space for alienated out-of-school youth in South Africa
Daniels, Doria
Source: International Review of Education (IRE), 7/2020
Adult literacy classes in Timor-Leste and diverse language values and practices across the regions: implications for language policy-making / Boon, Danielle et al.
Source: Language Policy, 9/2020

Europe and North America

Adult Literacy Education
Source: ProLiteracy, vol. 2, no 2, 10/2020

Contextualizing Adult Education: Learning from Six Decades of Experience and Research
Paul Jurmo; Judy Mortrude; Alisa Belzer
Source: A ProLiteracy Research Brief, 9/2020

COVID-19 Rapid Response Report from the Field / Alisa Belzer et al.
Source: ProLiteracy, 7/2020

Getting Started: A Guide to Adult Literacy in BC
Source: Decoda Literacy Solutions, 9/2020
L'alpha à l'ère numérique : enjeux défis et opportunités
Source: Journal de l'alpha; no 218, 8/2020
Lang: FRE

Reading for entertainment or information reception? Gender differences in reading preferences and their impact on text-type-specific reading competences in adult readers / Thums, Kathrin; Artelt, Cordula; Wolter, Ilka
Source: European Journal of Psychology of Education, 6/2020

Lifelong Learning


A global reset: COVID-19 and the future of education and learning
Source: Prospects, vol. 49, no 1-2, 9/2020

The Covid-19 pandemic as disjuncture: Lifelong learning in a context of fear
Bjursell, Cecilia
Source: International Review of Education (IRE), 8/2020

Effective governance and coordination in skills systems: Towards a lifelong learning ecosystem
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), Policy Brief, 9/2020

Embracing a culture of lifelong learning: contribution to the Futures of Education initiative
Source: UIL, 8/2020
How cities are utilizing the power of non-formal and informal learning to respond to the COVID-19 crisis
Source: UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response, Issue note no 6.2, 8/2020

Lifelong learning governance and International Organisations
Rusitoru, Mihaela Viorica; Kallioniemi, Arto; Taysum, Alison
Source: Swiss Journal of Educational Research; vol. 42, no 2, 10/2020

Transformative dimensions of lifelong learning: Mezirow, Rorty and COVID-19
Eschenbacher, Saskia; Fleming, Ted
Source: International Review of Education (IRE); 9/2020

Europe and North America

The future of tertiary education in Europe: in-depth analysis
Chircop, Denise et al.
Source: European Parliamentary Research Service, 9/2020
LifeComp: The European Framework for Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Key Competence
Sala, Arianna et al.
Source: European Commission, 7/2020

Technical and Vocational Education
and Training


Better Basic Skills: Better Business
Source: Learning and Work Institute, 8/2020

Centres of Vocational Excellence: An engine for vocational education and training development: An international study
Source: European Training Foundation (ETF), 9/2020

Digital Skills Insights 2020
Source: International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 10/2020

The Digitization of TVET and Skills Systems
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), UNESCO, 7/2020

The Future of Jobs Report 2020
Source: World Economic Forum, 10/2020

The gender divide in skills development: Progress, challenges and policy options for empowering women
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), Policy Brief, 8/2020

Guide on making TVET and skills development inclusive for all
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), 10/2020

Guidelines on Rapid Assessment of reskilling and upskilling needs in response to the COVID-19 crisis
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), 8/2020

Improving evidence on VET: Comparative data and indicators
Source: OECD, 9/2020
Lang: ENG, FRE
Key competences in initial vocational education and training: digital, multilingual and literacy
Source: Cedefop research paper, 9/2020

On vocational education and training post-2020
Source: Skillset and Match; issue 20, 9/2020

Promoting quality in TVET using technology: A practical guide
Source: UNESCO-UNEVOC, 8/2020

Rationalising VET qualifications: selected international approaches
Bridget Wibrow; Joanne Waugh
Source: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 9/2020

The role of social partners in skills development, recognition and matching for migrant workers: A Contribution to the Global Skills Partnership
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), Workshop Paper, 8/2020

Skills development for renewable energy and energy efficient jobs: discussion paper on solar energy demands
Source: UNESCO-UNEVOC, 8/2020

Social Dialogue, Skills and COVID-19: The Global Deal for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth Flagship Report
Lange, Ralf; Hofmann, Christine; Di Cara, Manuela
Source: Global Deal, OECD, ILO, 10/2020

Future of TVET teaching
Source: UNESCO-UNEVOC, Trends mapping study, 8/2020


The potential of skills development and recognition for regulated labour mobility in the IGAD Region: A scoping study covering Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), 7/2020
A Review of Skills Levy Systems in Countries of the Southern African Development Community
Source: International Labour Organization (ILO), 8/2020

Arab States

Enhancing institutionalized partnerships between TVET institutions and the world of work in the Arab region 
Chang, David; Shehadeh, Salim
Source: UNESCO Beirut, 10/2020

Europe and North America

Digital skills for an equitable recovery: policy recommendations to address the digital skill needs of workers most vulnerable to displacement / Bashay, Molly
Source: National Skills Coalition, 7/2020

Funding Resilience: How public policies can support businesses in upskilling workers for a changing economy
Bergson-Shilcock, Amanda
Source: National Skills Coalition, 8/2020

Perceptions on adult learning and continuing vocational education and training in Europe
Source: Cedefop, 10/2020

Regards comparatifs sur la formation en Europe : un plafond de verre du côté des entreprises françaises
Marion-Vernoux, Isabelle; Checcaglini, Agnès
Source: CEREQ, 6/2020
Lang: FRE
Reprises d’études en début de vie active : acquérir un diplôme reste le graal
Robert, Alexie
Source: CEREQ, 10/2020
Lang: FREStudy for the evaluation of ESF support to education and training (Thematic Objective 10): final report
Source: European Union, 10/2020

Study on mapping opportunities and challenges for micro and small enterprises in offering their employees up- or re-skilling opportunities
Source: European Commission, 8/2020

Providing Quality Further Education and Training in a Crisis Situation
Source: Donegal ETB’s Further Education & Training Service, 6/2020

Skills for an Inclusive Economic Recovery: A Call for Action, Equity, and Accountability
Source: National Skills Coalition, 9/2020
The ALADIN Online Alert is a joint ALADIN initiative, produced bimonthly by the UIL Library and CDÉACF, with input from additional ALADIN members from all over the world. Its goal is to share recent online and full-text information and documents in the area of adult and lifelong learning.

To propose items for upcoming alerts, please contact the ALADIN coordinator Lisa Krolak.
To view older ALADIN Online Alerts, please visit the ALADIN website.
Please note: Some hyperlinks might change over time.

Hyperlinks to online materials imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in these materials on the part of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). These hyperlinks should not be construed as an endorsement by UNESCO UIL of the validity, accuracy or views expressed therein.
For recent online information on curriculum development, education systems and educational trends worldwide, please consult the IBE Online Alert.
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