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Analogue and digital learning

From our discussions in December, I was inspired to think further about the challenges in learning through digital means. I attach a recent publication from the University of Padua and the European Museum Academy where the participants tried to observe and isolate trends in how museums around the world have used digital tools and developed new digital products during the pandemic.

I think we can say that there are two dominating tendencies in the material. First of all the pandemic has really sparked a huge growth in digitalisation at the museums and provision of access to digitalised collections at the museums. There can even be seen a number of interesting initiatives to facilitate access to the digitalised collections and transforming access to experience. Secondly, I think that we see a strong tendency for museums trying to “translate” their analogue experiences to digital experiences. I don’t see many reflections about the limitations or the possibilities in such a strategy.

I think that here lies a challenge for a broader study under the PASCAL umbrella. I wonder how we can take this on.

Best wishes


Dr Henrik Zipsane
Director, European Museum Academy

European Museum Academy

tpti-project-301120ok.pdf2.98 MB

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