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BALID seminar: Literacy and maternal health in rural Pakistan, Tuesday 26th March

We have two BALID informal literacy discussions in the pipeline. Please do join us if you can - all are welcome.

Literacy and maternal health in rural Pakistan: This is happening next week - Tuesday, 26th March! It will be led by Mirza Moqeem Baig, of Rural Aid Pakistan, from 11am – 12.20pm in room 805, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL. We are very grateful to our colleagues there for hosting. Please see the attached flyer for more details.

‘Taking hold’ and ‘losing grip’ of bureaucratic literacies: Insights from local volunteering in the Philippines: This will be led by Christopher Millora of the University of East Anglia, and we hope it will take place in the week beginning 29th April 2019. We are still seeking a venue either in Cambridge or London, so if you can offer space for a couple of hours during that week, please do get in touch

Please find featured below and attached further information.

With best wishes,


Dr Mary Anderson for BALID
[email protected]

balid_literacy_and_maternal_health_in_pakistan_seminar_26_march_2019.pdf3.02 MB

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