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Call for Papers - The Polar Journal

The Polar Journal is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary social sciences and humanities international journal (please see, which aims to create a community among the considerable number of researchers, specialists and policy makers working on these crucial topics.

Polar Regions are of vital and global importance in many ways. Their governance and the patterns of human interactions there are increasingly contentious. For example, mining, tourism, public services, business, ICT requirements, organization and work society needs, migration, local government, people welfare, security, administration and management, and bioprospecting are but a few of the many issues of contention.

Now the Polar Journal welcomes papers on these affairs from all fields of the social sciences and the humanities. Preparations have started for the June 2014 issue that has an open topic so all individual papers are welcome!

Hence, good quality papers and research reports are welcome. It is accepted:

  • Regular papers (up to 8,000 words, including footnotes): in-depth and theoretical papers which presents original research in combination with analytical argument.
  • Research reports (up to 4,000 words, including footnotes): shorter pieces that are based on primary research and empirical evidence.

Key dates:

  • Send a 250-word abstract to Editor (by e-mail) until the end of April 2013
  • Comment’s from Editor are due to the 8th of May 2013
  • Final papers should be submitted until the end of July 2013
  • The peer-review process will start during August-September 2013

Please note, the Polar Journal considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to The Polar Journal, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere.

Professor Antti Syväjärvi
Editor of the June 2014 issue
[email protected]


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