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Call for proposals for the Thomas J. Alexander Fellowship Programme

The OECD is launching the Thomas J. Alexander Fellowship Programme to support individuals in conducting quantitative, evidence-based research on education, particularly in emerging economies. The programme, named after a former director of the OECD’s Education, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs department, will provide funding for up to one year, including time spent at OECD headquarters in Paris. Fellows, who will be encouraged to link their research to education policy and practice, particularly on equity in education, will be selected from among individuals working at universities, research institutes, government agencies or professional organisations. Candidates will be selected on the basis of the originality, potential, and scientific rigour of their proposals. Fellows will be expected to produce a publishable research paper or report at the end of their fellowship. Only online applications will be accepted.

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To apply, visit:

You can address any questions to: [email protected].


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