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Cedefop briefing note - Old roots for new routes

We are pleased to send you Cedefop's latest Briefing Note Old roots for new routes for you to download in your preferred language (Spanish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Latvian, Polish and Portuguese) and format (Pdf or eBook optimised for tablets and smartphones). [English version featured below]

From the introduction to the Briefing Note...

Cedefop’s 40th anniversary theme aims to draw inspiration from the past to improve vocational education and training for the future.

Around half of Europe’s population acquires their first job-related skills through VET. Many more develop those skills and learn new ones through continuing training and other forms of learning at the workplace.

VET is central to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It is fundamental to delivering the European youth guarantee that all young people under 25 receive a good-quality offer of a job, apprenticeship, traineeship, or continued education within four months of them leaving formal education or becoming unemployed. Successful greening of Europe’s economy and job creation across sectors depends on VET providing people with the skills to use new technology and materials and adapt to new methods of working. But Europe’s VET systems are struggling to meet 21st century expectations. Implementing change can be difficult, especially at a time of economic hardship.

‘Old roots to new routes’ is Cedefop’s 40th anniversary theme for 2015. Renewed strength can come from looking at progress to date. Less than 20 years ago the extent of European cooperation in VET with its shared aims (under the Copenhagen process), including common European tools, (such as the European qualifications framework), and joint initiatives (such as the European alliance for apprenticeships) was unimaginable.

Please find below direct links to our three previous Briefing Notes:

The full archive is at

With kind regards,

Gerd Oskar Bausewein
Head of Area Communication, Information and Dissemination

Cedefop | European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Europe 123 | GR-570 01 | Thessaloniki (Pylea)

PO Box 22427 | GR-551 02 | Thessaloniki

T (+30) 23 10 49 02 88  F (+30) 23 10 49 00 99


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