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The City of Melton, Victoria, Australia Joins UNESCO's Global Network of Learning Cities

Peter Blunden, Lifelong Learning Coordinator,  Melton City Council reports that the City of Melton has joined UNESCO's Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC). 

The City of Melton through its Community Learning Board has been proactive in aligning its commitment as a learning community to the UNESCO Framework for Key Features of Learning Cities. This is reflected in Melton’s sixth community learning plan, Melton a Learning City: Community Learning Plan 2015-2018 which will be published online shortly.

UNESCO’s Institute of Lifelong Learning (UIL) has shown interest in Melton’s journey to becoming a learning city.In September 2014 UIL interviewed Cr Bob Turner the then Mayor of the City of Melton and Peter Blunden, Executive Officer to the city’s Community Learning Board about what Melton has learned as it develops as a learning City. The interview can be viewed on the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning’s website





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