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We are pleased to present the May 2017 issue of the Digital newsletter of CLAYSS, the Latin American Center for Service Learning:


May 2017

The 14th International Service-Learning Week will take place from August 22 to 26 in the City of Buenos Aires. The activities will include the 20th International Service-Learning Conference, the IV Service-Learning Research Symposium, the XIX meeting of the REDIBAS, Ibero-American Network of Service-learning, the First Meeting of Service-learning in the arts and visits to Institutions that develop solidarity educational experiences.
You can download the preliminary agenda of the International Week here.


20th International Service-Learning Conference

A preliminary agenda for the 20th International Service-Learning Conference is now available. The conference will be held on THURSDAY August 24th and FRIDAY August 25th 2017 in Av. Alicia M. de Justo 1300. San Agustín Conference Hall. UCA, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
This year's edition is very special both for those of us who work in CLAYSS and for those who choose service-learning on a daily basis through the development of their projects or research. It will be an opportunity to take stock of what has been learned in these 20 years and to think together about future challenges.
The International Service-Learning Conference has been constituted as an annual space where students, teachers, researchers, officials and leaders of social organizations from all Latin America and other parts of the world can meet and exchange experiences and knowledge; listen to outstanding specialists and for networking with other people.
For updated information about the Seminar you can visit:



More than 60 papers submitted for the IV Service-Learning Research Symposium

More than 60 teachers, teachers and specialists sent their papers for the IV Service-Learning Research Symposium, to be held at the Center for Higher University Studies CAEU - OEI Argentina (Paraguay 1583, City of Buenos Aires) on WEDNESDAY 23rd AUGUST 2017.
The Research Symposium focuses on:

  1. Discussions and theoretical contributions to the definition of “Service- Learning”
  2. Monitoring and evaluation of service-learning institutional programs and practices;
  3. Case studies and Systematization of service-learning programs and practices.
    The activity will be in Spanish with simultaneous translation into English.

More information available at:
For inquiries, please write to: [email protected]

On the photo to the left, the UAE Minister of Culture at the opening. To the right, Prof. Nieves Tapia with Irina Bokowa, General Director of UNESCO.

CLAYSS at the Abu Dhabi CultureSummit

In Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, a "CultureSummit" was held from 9 to 13 April with about 450 participants from 80 countries. The event - convened exclusively by personal invitation - brought together representatives of the arts, media, governments, donor foundations and civil society organizations in a space for dialogue on the role of the arts in the face of the challenges of the global context.
Represented by Nieves Tapia, CLAYSS was one of the few organizations in the field of education and from Latin American invited to participate. The program included presentations by the General Director of UNESCO, Ministers of Culture of several countries of the region and numerous artists whose work has social projection, as well as artistic performances and spaces for work in groups.
More information at:


Solidarity education in the Uruguayan Parliament

On April 26, an interpellation was made to the authorities of Uruguay's education in the National Senate. Within the framework of Article 119 of the National Constitution, the Senate discusses the policies and educational outcomes of basic and secondary education carried out by the authorities of the National Administration of Public Education.
In this act, Rosita Angelo the National Director of Education highlighted, among other issues, the quality of solidarity educational experiences happening in educational centers. As an example, she spoke of the Mercedes Technical School (Dept. of Soriano) institution that was awarded in the Solidarity Education Contest of 2015 for its service-learning project for the production of furniture and educational games for the "Little Brave" Center that cares for children with autism.
You can see the National Director's presentation (in Spanish) at: (at 3: 58 minute)


Afforestation project in the Dominican Republic

The El Pinar Liceo in San José de Ocoa, Dominican Republic, is developing the "Sembrando Vidas" (Sowing Lives) project, which aims to plant about 200 avocado trees in order to reforest the community, create sources of income and promote respect and conservation of natural resources. Participants of the experience include 51 secondary school students and 3 teachers from the institution, with the support of the municipal council, the Ministry of the Environment, local councils and other community actors. With this project, the students seek to raise awareness of the population that because of their need to grow crops, work the land and at the same time disforest it.
This experience started after a training offered within the framework of the Project "Promotion of citizens' values in the school environment through service-learning". With the objective of developing the capacities at the national, regional and district levels, technicians of the provinces of Azua, San José de Ocoa and Santo Domingo Oeste coordinated by NGO Alliance and the support of the Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic offered the training. 


Videoconference for the International Congress of Scholastic Education

April 18 to 22 in Santiago de Chile Coedupia the International Congress of Scholastic Education was held. Almost 200 participants from the five continents, managers and teachers of the Pías Schools of San Jose de Calasanz, gathered to share experiences and challenges, to seek together a path of renewal and to learn together from each other. In this context, the Director of CLAYSS, Nieves Tapia, presented on April 20 "Educating to build the community". The presentation was made through a videoconference, available on YouTube (in Spanish), at: partir del minuto 22:17).


Meeting of the REDIBAS, Ibero-American Network of Service-learning

As usual, we will hold our annual Network meeting within the framework of the International Service-Learning Week in August, on Tuesday, August 22, from 3 to 6 pm. (Argentina time). In this meeting, we will have a virtual space for those who cannot participate personally. The meeting is for members of the Network, one participant per Institution.
To register your participation or request virtual participation, please write to: [email protected] 
More information:


Sirve Quisqueya turns 15

On April 21, the " Volunteering Forum: Service-Learning" was held in the Conference Hall Manuel del Cabral, Pedro Mir Library, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, within the framework of the 15th National Volunteer Fair in the Republic Dominican Republic. During the Fair, the experiences of different educational centers were presented, as well as funding opportunities for young people, and the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Sirve Quisqueya, a network of CSOs working to create opportunities for civic solidarity for young Dominicans.
We congratulate our Sirve Quisqueya friends for these 15 years of wonderful work, strengthening education and youth participation in the Dominican Republic!


CLAYSS attending the Talloires World Conference in Latin America

Prof. María Nieves Tapia will be one of the speakers at the Talloires World Conference that will be held for the first time in our region. Hosted by the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico, it will be held from June 21 to 23, 2017. The Conference invites Rectors from all universities around the world, as well as authorities, teachers, researchers and university administrators linked to the most multiple forms of university commitment, including extension, RSU and service-learning. 
For more information visit :
To complete your registration visit
The invitation triptych can be downloaded here:
To request personalized invitations, please write to [email protected]

Upcoming CLAYSS activities
  • August 24 and 25: 20th International Service-Learning Conference. Buenos Aires, in the "San Agustín" Auditorium at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Alicia Moreau de Justo 1300. More information at
  • October 2 and 3: 1st Learning Week-Service in Central and Eastern Europe, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
  • October 20: I National Service-Learning Day. Montevideo, Uruguay. UCUDAL from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Aula Magna and Sala Bauzá, Av. 8 de Octubre, Montevideo.
Other Activities
  • June 16: First Global Meeting for the Democracy of Knowledge, Cartagena, Colombia. Organized by ARNA (Action Research Network of the Americas). More information here.
  • June 14-16: 7th International Service-learning Conference, organized by the University of Indianapolis (USA), the University of Stelenbosch (South Africa), and the University of Galway (Ireland). The latter will host the 2017 edition. More information at:
  • September 14-16: IARSLCE Conference. A new edition of the annual conference of the International Association of Researchers in Service- Learning and Community Engagement will be held in Ireland at the National University of Ireland in Galway. Soon more information on the IARSLCE website:
  • October 13-14: VIII National Congress and III International University, Seville, Spain. Organized by the University Service-Learning Network. More information here or by email to [email protected]

Recent academic articles on Service-Learning

  • Service-Learning and training for citizenship in a Mexican school experience: on March 2017 the Mexican Journal of Educational Research published an issue with an article presenting a Service-Learning experience as a training for democratic participation. The article, whose authors are Luis Manuel Pérez Galván and Azucena de la Concepción Ochoa Cervantes, is entitled "The participation of students in a secondary school. Challenges and possibilities for citizen education ", and can be found (in Spanish) in the Mexican Journal of Educational Research, vol. 22, no. 72, January-March, 2017, pp. 179-207, published by the Mexican Council of Educational Research, and downloaded here:
  • Service-Learning and social innovation in the Higher Education College of Art and Design Balearic Islands. María del Pilar Rovira Serrano. Social innovation, design and service-learning in the EASD Illes Balears. In: Interlínea, Research notebooks in art, design and education, ISSN 2530 4968, Almería, January 1, 2017 .
  • Emily Voorhees, Western Michigan University.The Service-Learning Scholar Model: Maximizing Impact by Improving Communication and Student Voice in Service Learning. Download here
Latin American Center for Service Learning
Nonprofit civil society (Resolution IGJ 001270/03)
CLAYSS, Aprender sirve, servir enseña





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