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Conceptual evolution and policy developments in lifelong learning

This book  has just been published and is an outcome of the Shanghai International Forum on Lifelong Learning co-organised by UNESCO, the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, the Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy and the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO. The Forum took place in Shanghai during the World Expo 2010, from 19 to 21 May.

The 24 papers collected here document the debates and discussions led by experts from across the world. The papers are grouped into five themes, recounting first how lifelong learning has evolved conceptually and then how policy has developed in its promotion. Subsequent sections examine its relationship with distance education, new learning media and higher education; its association with the learning cities movement; and its role in rural and industrial development. The General Rapporteur’s Summary Report of the Forum provides the final section, giving an overview of the event.

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and its Chinese partners report that they hope that this publication will contribute meaningfully to international endeavours in making lifelong learning a reality for all.  

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