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CONFINTEA Bulletin 18 - Adult learning and education

 Here is the October - December 2017 issue of UNESCO's CONFINTEA Bulletin:

Foreword from the Director a.i. of the UIL

In line with its commitment to monitor the implementation of the Belém Framework for Action (BFA), the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) co-organized the CONFINTEA VI Mid-Term Review (MTR) together with the municipalities of Suwon and Osan, in Suwon, Republic of Korea, from 25–27 October 2017.
The MTR was held in order to analyse success stories, lessons learned and developments against the BFA targets. After three days of intense and very productive work – the culmination of more than one year of preparation – a set of conclusions and recommendations emerged. The conference report sets out the recommendations and provides a detailed outline of the meeting proceedings and the five regional reports, which present and examine progress in the particular region and explore the contribution of key policy agreements and frameworks.

More than 300 education stakeholders from governments, international and civil society organizations gathered to review the implementation of the Belém Framework for Action across the world.

The Suwon-Osan Statement, The power of adult learning and education: A vision towards 2030, is the outcome document of the CONFINTEA VI Mid-Term Review. Endorsed by participants from 95 UNESCO Member States, it calls for immediate action in the pursuance of BFA implementation. It also contributes to the creation of an environment favourable to the realization of adult learning and education’s potential role as an indispensable component of lifelong learning provision from the perspective of Education 2030. A clear consensus for strengthening the place of ALE in international education policies was reached and will lay the foundation for CONFINTEA VII in 2021.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers and participants who contributed to making the CONFINTEA VI Mid-Term Review such a success. It is my pleasure to present to you these key MTR publications.

Kabir Shaikh


Mid-Term Review of CONFINTEA VI – All presentations


CONFINTEA VI Mid-Term Review 2017 - The status of adult learning and education in

sub-Saharan Africa
Asia and the Pacific
Europe and North America
Arab States
Latin America and the Caribbean

CONFINTEA VI Mid-Term Review 2017 - Progress, challenges, and opportunities: The status of adult learning and education

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in cooperation with the International Council of Adult Education (ICAE) commissioned and produced five regional reports for the Mid-Term Review. Each report examines progress in the particular region, exploring the contribution of key policy agreements and frameworks and offering recommendations in advance of CONFINTEA VII in 2021. All five reports are summarized in this publication.

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CONFINTEA Fellows 2017

UIL hosted six government officials and representatives of civil society organizations in the field of adult learning and education (ALE) through tits CONFINTEA Fellowship Programme in November 2017. The fellows came from five different francophone countries: Algeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Haiti, Senegal and Togo. With support from Mr Paul Belanger (former Director of UIL, professor at the University of Québec in Montréal and President of the International Council of Adult Education), the fellows drafted national strategies with the aim of operationalizing the Belem Framework for Action (BFA) and the Recommendation of Adult Learning and Education in their specific contexts. They also situated their work within the 2030 Framework for Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Read more
Copyright © 2018 UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), All rights reserved.


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