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Cork Lifelong Learning Festival

The City of Cork has welcomed Mike Osborne of PASCAL, who has arrived with Judith James and Jean Preece of Swansea University, all of whom are guests speakers at our lifelong learning seminar on March 24.

The seminar entitled Growing Lifelong Learning in Cork features Raul Valdes Cotera, Deputy Director of UNESCO's Institute of Lifelong Learning and presentations on a range of current EcCoWeLL and Learning initiatives in Cork.

Peter Kearns who directs PASCAL's Learning Cities Networks (LCN) of which Cork is a member will be presenting from Brisbane by live video stream, which can be accessed at 0930 GMT on 24 March from this link.

The festival features heavily in the local media who particularly picked up on the photos of the acrobats (courtesy Evening Echo) who helped launch the festival, hosted by The Lord Mayor, in Council Chambers.


Denis Barrett
Community Education Service
Cork ETB


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