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ERASMUS Intensive Programme

An invitation from Jordi Márquez to participate in the ERASMUS Intensive Programme:

We are developing an ERASMUS intensive program based in photography and maybe you know Universities that maybe are interested in.

ERASMUS Intensive Programme

The topic would be to organize a Course of Digital Photography (Introductory) during 10 days in Eram. The idea of the course would be to learn the basic elements of digital photography and picture Girona and its environment. 

The course needs minimum 10 students from 3 diferent countries.

The grants are for students and teachers for the flight and accomodation.

It is necessary to collaborate between universities of 3 countries (in this case we think in UK, Spain and Denmark)


Thank you

Jordi Márquez

Docent - Coordinador

Escola Universitària ERAM, centre adscrit a UdG


Edifici Kropotkin, 1er pis | Factoria Cultural Coma-CrosC. Sant Antoni, 1 | E17190 - Salttel. +34 972 402 258

mail. [email protected]

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