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EU Funding opportunities and partner searches - Calls for Proposals

A new Call for Proposals has been issued under the FP7 Ideas Specific Programme for ERC Advanced Investigator Grants.

The budget for this Call €679.98 million (for all domains).

The call consists of three sub-calls:

  • Physical Sciences & Engineering
  • Life Sciences
  • Social Sciences & Humanities

Deadline for submissions:

-  Physical Sciences & Engineering - 16 February 2012

-  Life Sciences - 14 March 2012

-  Social Sciences & Humanities - 11 April 2012

For more information:

Partner Searches

Comenius (Life Long Learning programme)

 “European Healthy Citizen” will be developed between 2012 and 2014 and it is addressed to students from 3 to 12 years old.

The Primary School Franscisco Salzillo (Murcia, Spain) is working on a project addressed to the 2012 call for proposals of Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), sub-programme Comenius, Multilateral Comenius Association.

The main objective of the project is to promote health education in school, learning how to work this subject in the countries of the European educational framework, sharing and educational experiences between the participating centres.

For further information about the project please contact:
Laura Bermejo Juan
Primary School Francisco Salzillo (Murcia).

The deadline of the call is 21st February 2012.

 “My Art is your Art”. They are interested in working with young students between 13 and 15 years old.

The High School Las Claras del Mar Menor (Murcia, Spain) is working on a project addressed to the 2012 call for proposals of Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), sub-programme Comenius, Multilateral Comenius Association.

The main objectives of the project will be focused on the study of art, folklore and customs of the partnership countries, to learn artistic similarities and differences. They will investigate and analyze their art and folklore to be able to show and expose it. They will share the different cultures of the partners and will create materials to promote the interaction between them.

For further information about the project please contact:
María Esther López Peinado
IES Las Claras del Mar Menor (Los Alcázares, Murcia)
e-mail: [email protected]or [email protected]

The deadline of the call is 21st February 2012.

“Creating a European sense of humour”. The students should be between 15 and 17 years old, and they usually are interested in arts and would like to continue their studies at University.

The High School Alcántara in Alcantarilla (Murcia, Spain) is working on a project addressed to the 2012 call for proposals of Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), sub-programme Comenius, Multilateral Comenius Association.

The main objectives of the project will be to experience the intercultural fact of humour by the universal language of art and theatre. Every partner will create a comic performance in order to share it in a final show with the partnership. Before that, there will be exchanges between members (researching phase) and students and teachers will do several workshops related to humor and comedy.

For further information about the project please contact:
Alberto Sánchez Velasco
IES Alcántara de Alcantarilla (Murcia).
e-mail: [email protected]
Telef.: (+34) 653 893 111

The deadline of the call is 21st February 2012.

Comenius partnership project

Skarpengland lower secondary school is seeking partners from all of Europe to a Comenius partnership project. The project will focus, through exchange of experiences, on how the participating schools could increase the pupil’s motivation for learning. The chosen approach is put on how we can improve the pupils skills through good adults role model, classroom management and assessment for learning. Skarpengland is looking for partner schools with special emphasis on integration of pupils with special needs.  Expected target groups are pupils from lower secondary school, aged 13-14.

For further information contact:

Skarpengland school: (0047) 38150930

Nancy Riise Kvamsdal: [email protected]

Liv Kari Bjerland: [email protected]

Progress 2011 - Social Experimentations Partnership

Engaging Migrant Parents and Children- Raising achievement in Children’s Centre’s and Schools (EMPAC)

The London Borough of Ealing  (UK) is looking for European partners interested in joining a project under the framework of the PROGRESS Call for social experimentations.  

Project Aims

The project aims to test if the development and achievement of newly arrived children can be improved by implementing

  • A systematic approach to engaging and supporting their families pre and post entry to destination country, through low cost culturally and linguistically appropriate information distance guidance and
  • The implementation of evidence based interventions through Sure Start Children's Centres and Schools, by trained and culturally aware early years and teaching professionals.

If you find this opportunity interesting, please get in touch with Mrs. Clare Rees and Mr. Calum Murdoch (see contacts details below) by 25th  November.

  • Clare Rees

Educational Professional for Inclusion (3-19)

School Effectiveness Team

+44 208 825 6641

[email protected]

  • ·Calum Murdoch

Senior External Funding Officer

Grants Unit

+44 208 825 7443

[email protected]


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