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EUCIS-LLL turns 10 and becomes the Lifelong Learning Platform!

On 22 September, EUCIS-LLL gathered in an exceptional General Assembly and voted in favour of a new identity, coinciding with its 10th Anniversary.The European Civil Society Platform was born in 2005. But actually, the story started already in the early 2000s, when education was addressed for the first time as a subject of structured cooperation between the EU Member States. In 2001, several NGOs got together to contribute to the European Memorandum on Lifelong Learning, adopted in 2002. Their coordinated and growing strength gave birth to a project in 2004, so successful they decided to sustain it: thus was born the European Civil Society Platform for Lifelong Learning.

10 years down the road, the platform has grown, and is proud to represent 39 NGOs Europe-wide, in constant dialogue with local, national and European institutions, to ensure lifelong learning becomes a reality for all. The Platform promotes a holistic vision of lifelong learning that encompasses all forms of education, and adapts to our societies’ needs and evolution, while keeping in mind learners’ personal development. It also views education as a means to achieve social inclusion and active citizenship.

We are therefore happy to announce we change our name and become the Lifelong Learning Platform. This also means we have a new logo and will soon present our new website.

We change our name but not what we believe in, and hope you will all enjoy our new look!


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