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European Journal of Education - VOLUME 50

We are very pleased to announce that the all four issues of the celebratory Volume 50 of the European Journal of Education (EJE) are now online.

March 2015, Issue1: What is learning for?  Guest editors: Roberto Carneiro, Richard Desjardins, Jean Gordon and Janet Looney

June 2015, Issue 2: Learning to Be — Idealism or Core Business?  Guest editor: David Istance

September 2015, Issue 3: Education and Social Transformation. Guest editor: Richard Desjardins

December 2015, Issue 4: Citizens, learners and workers in a complex, changing world: challenges for policy and research.  Guest editors: Jean Gordon, Edith Hooge and Janet Looney

We have thoroughly appreciated editing this 50th anniversary volume, which is a significant milestone in the history of EJE.  Many exciting discussions and debates in the world of education over the past five decades have been fuelled by complex educational developments often in connection to economic, social, technological, political, and ecological developments.  Looking forward, these debates are very likely to intensify.

EJE readers will recall that this anniversary volume has introduced an innovative new feature. In addition to the academic articles, there is a selection of "thought pieces".  For each theme we have asked thinkers and actors in education to reflect on a question related to the theme of the issue. EJE will continue this new feature beyond this anniversary volume.

The journal is edited by the European Institute of Education and Social Policy and published by Wiley Blackwell.

We hope you enjoy the articles and thought pieces and would be delighted to receive your feedback.


Best wishes

Richard Desjardins, Jean Gordon & Janet Looney
Joint Editors



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