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GINCO NEWS - January 2013

GINCO is a European wide network for improving professional development of adult education staff. In the network we share expertise, create and share useful material and enhance communication and cooperation in order to improve the quality of in-service training courses and of Grundtvig IST courses for adult educators.

The network has been organising international conferences, webinars, training days etc. on quality aspects and validation of IST courses. GINCO also installed a Quality Award for Grundtvig courses. All this material is downloadable from the network website:

- Visit the document library:
- Read the GINCO brochure:
- Or look at the GINCO Award video (7 min.):
- You can find Grundtvig course organisers on the GINCO map:
- You can register as a Grundtvig course organiser:

The GINCO team also presents GINCO Tools & Training as a follow up project in response to the needs revealed in GINCO surveys and research.

GINCO T&T is a Grundtvig Multilateral Project and aims:
1. to improve the quality of provision and delivery of international continuous professional development courses (CPD) for adult education staff.
2. to contribute to the professionalization of trainers and organisers running European in-service training courses for adult education staff.

In order to accomplish this GINCO T&T will provide a wide range of training and support to cover the specific needs of the IST training providers including:
- support for course organisers to link up their courses with LLP policy
- enhance  the appropriate use of ICT in preliminary, face to face and follow up phases
- support course providers in their care for quality
- helping the organisers conceiving their courses in a competence oriented approach
- helping the organisers validating the learning outcomes of the course participants
- improving the intercultural skills of course organisers
- support the organiser in follow-up and transfer of learning outcomes

The direct project target groups are:
Adult education staff from Grundtvig course providers, organisers of in-service training for adult education staff, potential GRU course providers, AE providers who may wish to internationalize their local in-service training course offers
Secondary target groups are:
LLP NAs, educational policy makers, at European and national and regional levels.

Next to a number of relevant training materials the main product of the GINCO T&T project is a modular Grundtvig course for Grundtvig course organisers: “How to organise high quality Grundtvig courses”.

The project builds on the experience of the partners in highly relevant previous projects and will contribute to the exploitation of the materials created in these projects:

- The SEALLL project: Self Evaluation in Adult Lifelong Learning:
- The VILMA and VIP projects: Validation of Learning Outcomes:,
- The EU Commission study on Key competences for adult learning professionals:   
- ALPINE study, the EU study on local learning centres:
- The ComNet project:  
- The Survival kit project:

This project also builds on the needs of the Grundtvig IST field as reported in the EAC Grundtvig study on In-service training: “Analysis and exploitation of the results of Grundtvig in-service training activities 2000-2009”:

All GINCO T&T activities and material will be published on

We will keep you informed.

Guy Tilkin
GINCO T&T coordinator
Landcommanderij Alden Biesen
Kasteelstraat 6, 3740 Bilzen


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