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This #GivingTuesday, Join the Placemaking Movement

Here is a special bulletin on #GivingTuesday from the Project for Public Spaces.

Project for Public Spaces
The placemaking movement is growing, and we at PPS are both proud and excited for what is to come! From successes at Habitat III, to the global growth of Placemaking Week, public spaces are increasingly seen as the epicenter of many movements — from the environment to public health. PPS is dedicated to advancing the cause of public spaces and placemaking around the world.
Donate Now
Now, we need your support to help us build this placemaking movement.
More Ways to Get Involved:
  1. Apply to join the Placemaking Leadership Council, and join a network of passionate advocates for place.
  2. Be a placemaker in your community!
  3. Work with us on a project in your community. 
  4. Engage with us on social media!
  5. Read our blog to keep up-to-date on our work and the state of the placemaking movement.

In the coming year, we hope to build up our networks, continue our on-the-ground work, and boost our campaign for great places. But we can’t do it alone — you, too, are a part of this movement! Invest in the future of great public spaces by supporting our work today!

Join a placemaking movement with more than 1800 leaders in 83+ countries!
Project for Public Spaces
Copyright © 2017 Project for Public Spaces, PPS, All rights reserved.


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