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Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) Newsletter Vol. 2, No. 1: January to March 2015

Welcome to the first 2015 Newsletter of the Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC). We have started into a year in which we hope to see numerous fruitful events and milestones in enhancing lifelong learning in the world’s communities. 

We begin this newsletter with insights from our expert interview with Mr Suhiko Sampo, Deputy Mayor of Espoo, on the Learning City Development in Espoo, Finland.

We then discuss the main focus of the GNLC Team’s work in this first quarter of the year: the preparation of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities. This Conference will represent a significant milestone towards enhancing the practice of Learning Cities around the world. Invitations to attend the Conference in May 2015 were dispatched and the second preparatory Expert Meeting took place on 3–4 March in Hangzhou, China. Unfortunately, we have just had to announce that the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities will be rescheduled. Nevertheless, we are keeping up our enthusiasm and excitement and are looking forward to a successful event later this year!

In this newsletter we also introduce cities around the world which shared their progress and activities with us. Read about actions taken to enhance lifelong learning in Hangzhou (China), Bristol (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and Cork (Ireland).

Last but not least, we would like to extend warm greetings to all our dedicated readers from the GNLC Coordination Team at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning; Arne Carlsen, Raúl Valdés-Cotera, Mo Wang and our new team members Katharina Lunardon, Michelle Diederichs and Monica Solorzano Soto.

Yours sincerely,

The GNLC Coordination Team

We invite you to submit your city news regularly to [email protected].


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Global Network of Learning Cities

Newsletter Vol. 2, No. 1: January to March 2015
GNLC Team (left to right): Arne Carlsen (UIL Director), Raúl Valdés-Cotera, Monica Solorzano, Katharina Lunardon, Ana Başoğlu, Mo Wang, Michelle Diederichs

Dear partners,

Welcome to the first 2015 Newsletter of the Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC). We have started into a year in which we hope to see numerous fruitful events and milestones in enhancing lifelong learning in the world’s communities. 

We begin this newsletter with insights from our expert interview with Mr Suhiko Sampo, Deputy Mayor of Espoo, on the Learning City Development in Espoo, Finland.

We then discuss the main focus of the GNLC Team’s work in this first quarter of the year: the preparation of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities. This Conference will represent a significant milestone towards enhancing the practice of Learning Cities around the world. Invitations to attend the Conference in May 2015 were dispatched and the second preparatory Expert Meeting took place on 3–4 March in Hangzhou, China. Unfortunately, we have just had to announce that the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities will be rescheduled. Nevertheless, we are keeping up our enthusiasm and excitement and are looking forward to a successful event later this year!

In this newsletter we also introduce cities around the world which shared their progress and activities with us. Read about actions taken to enhance lifelong learning in Hangzhou (China), Bristol (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and Cork (Ireland).

Last but not least, we would like to extend warm greetings to all our dedicated readers from the GNLC Coordination Team at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning; Arne Carlsen, Raúl Valdés-Cotera, Mo Wang and our new team members Katharina Lunardon, Michelle Diederichs and Monica Solorzano Soto.

Yours sincerely,

The GNLC Coordination Team

We invite you to submit your city news regularly to learningcities(at)



Deputy Mayor Sampo Suhiko

The Espoo Story

Motivations, actions and challenges in developing a learning city - An interview with Deputy Mayor Sampo Suhiko, Espoo, Finland. more



Important Announcement: 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities will be rescheduled

The Government of Mexico City and UNESCO are looking forward to a successful event later this year and will announce the new dates soon. more
Left: Mr Du Yue, Secretary-General of the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO; Right: Mr Arne Carlsen, UIL Director

Towards a successful International Conference on Learning Cities

A fruitful 2nd International Expert Meeting for preparing the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC) was held in Hangzhou, China, on 3 and 4 March 2015. more
Arne Carlsen (UIL), Raúl Valdés Cotera (UIL), Theodor Niehaus (Festo Didactic), Walter Hirche (German Commission for UNESCO)

Learning Cities at Didacta – Germany’s most important trade fair for education

In a podium discussion at the world’s largest and Germany's most important trade fair for education, the Didacta, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) presented the Learning City Concept and introduced the Global Network of Learning Cities. more

Cities in Action

Mary Shields (Lord Mayor of the City of Cork); Raúl Valdés-Cotera (Project Manager of the Global Network of Learning Cities)

Investigate, Participate, Celebrate Learning: Cork Lifelong Learning Festival

The GNLC visited Cork for its twelfth Lifelong Learning Festival to experience a taste of the learning opportunities available in the city. more
St Anne's Infant School - Chris Bahn

Bristol on the Path to Becoming a Learning City

City leaders, the local government, the private sector, universities, schools and community organisations have started working together to accelerate the further development of Bristol. more
Mobile Bookstall in Hangzhou

Building a 3L and 6W learning city in Hangzhou

Hangzhou's 3L (Lifelong, Lifewide and Lifedeep) educational system and 6W (no matter Who, When, Where, Why, access to What information in Which way) learning city. more

Upcoming events


2nd International Conference on Learning Cities

2015 Mexico City, Mexico. more

Connecting Cities and Universities at Strategic Frontiers - PASCAL 2015

07 October 2015 - 09 October 2015 – Catania, Italy

Copyright © 2015 UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities. All rights reserved.

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