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Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) Newsletter Vol. 2, Special Issue - 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities: A taste of the Conference

As there are only 18 days to go until the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC), we are now issuing our last call for registration. To date, more than 500 participants, including mayors, city representatives and representatives of international organizations, the private sector, NGOs and academia, have registered to help shape the future of learning cities. To join us in Mexico City, please register and finalize your participation at by 15 September 2015. 

The 2nd ICLC will focus on the theme ‘Building Sustainable Learning Cities’. Experts from various sectors will share their perspectives in regional forums, thematic forums and four plenary sessions. In this special issue newsletter, we wish to introduce the themes of the plenary sessions and to acquaint you with some of our moderators and speakers. We hope you enjoy reading about our experts’ background and getting to know their areas of expertise.

The Conference will also introduce the membership process for the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, launch the UNESCO Learning City Award and present the new publication Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities. To give you a preview of this publication, six of the featured cities will share their motivations for building learning cities in this newsletter. Representatives of these cities will also share their achievements and lessons learned at the Conference itself.  

In the next newsletter issue you can read about the regional and thematic forums, get to know more of our speakers and learn about the other six cities showcased in Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities. We will also provide you with all the practical information you need to attend the Conference and get around the Conference venues.

For further information, please visit the Conference website at or contact us at learningcities(at)  

We hope you enjoy getting a taste of the Conference, and we look forward to welcoming you to Mexico City!

Yours faithfully,

The Coordination Team of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC)

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

If you missed the first special issue newsletter on ‘Taking learning cities a step further’, please click here.


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Global Network of Learning Cities

2nd International Conference on Learning Cities Special Issue Newsletter Vol. 2: A taste of the Conference

Dear Participants and Partners, 

As there are only 18 days to go until the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC), we are now issuing our last call for registration. To date, more than 500 participants, including mayors, city representatives and representatives of international organizations, the private sector, NGOs and academia, have registered to help shape the future of learning cities. To join us in Mexico City, please register and finalize your participation at by 15 September 2015. 

The 2nd ICLC will focus on the theme ‘Building Sustainable Learning Cities’. Experts from various sectors will share their perspectives in regional forums, thematic forums and four plenary sessions. In this special issue newsletter, we wish to introduce the themes of the plenary sessions and to acquaint you with some of our moderators and speakers. We hope you enjoy reading about our experts’ background and getting to know their areas of expertise.

The Conference will also introduce the membership process for the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, launch the UNESCO Learning City Award and present the new publication Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities. To give you a preview of this publication, six of the featured cities will share their motivations for building learning cities in this newsletter. Representatives of these cities will also share their achievements and lessons learned at the Conference itself.  

In the next newsletter issue you can read about the regional and thematic forums, get to know more of our speakers and learn about the other six cities showcased in Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities. We will also provide you with all the practical information you need to attend the Conference and get around the Conference venues.

For further information, please visit the Conference website at or contact us at learningcities(at)  

We hope you enjoy getting a taste of the Conference, and we look forward to welcoming you to Mexico City!

Yours faithfully,

The Coordination Team of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC)

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

If you missed the first special issue newsletter on ‘Taking learning cities a step further’, please click here.


Exploring the Conference Programme Part 1: Plenary Sessions

Ms Youngwha Kee, Mr Nader Imani, Ms Mariko Sato

Plenary Session:Developing sustainable learning cities around the world

The question of how to build sustainable learning cities that enhance long-term economic, social and environmental development is at the heart of the 2nd ICLC. The concept of sustainability has two important aspects for learning cities. Firstly, learning cities must be drivers of sustainable social, economic and environmental development. Secondly, the process of building learning cities must itself be sustained. These aspects are equally important for the future of building learning cities. more
Mr James Bernard, Ms Sandra Morrison, Mr Sampo Suihko, Mr Sibry Tapsoba

Plenary Session: Strengthening partnerships and networks for building sustainable learning cities

Developing strong partnerships and networks is a crucial part of the process of building learning cities. Such partnerships and networks can help cities to provide lifelong learning opportunities for all as a response to specific challenges; they are also essential for sustaining the process of building learning cities. more
Mr Arne Carlsen, Ms Benita Somerfiled, Mr Qian Tang, Mr Raúl Valdes-Cotera

Plenary Session: Working strategies for a sustainable learning city

The UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities supports and accelerates the practice of lifelong learning in the world’s cities by promoting policy dialogue and peer learning among member cities; forging links; fostering partnerships; providing capacity development; and developing instruments to encourage and recognize progress made in building learning cities. more
Mr Peter Blunden, Mr Walter Hirche, Ms Silvia Montoya, Mr Martin Noack

Plenary Session: Implementing the Key Features for sustainable learning cities

The Key Features of Learning Cities provide guidance for cities and stakeholders on promoting lifelong learning for all and monitoring progress in building learning cities. more

A Glance at the Publication ‘Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of twelve learning cities’

Amman (c) Raed Asfour

Aman – concepts of neighbourliness, hospitality and conviviality

A glance at the publication Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities – (Case 7/12) more
Mexico City- SEDU

Mexico City - a mega city’s response to challenges

A glance at the publication Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities - (Case 8 /12) more
Ybicui - (c) City of Ybycui

Ybycuí learns and develops: lifelong learning for sustainable community development in Paraguay

A glance at the publication Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities – (Case 9/12) more
Balanga - (c) Balanga City Management

Balanga on the way to becoming a university town

A glance at the publication Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities – (Case 10 /12) more
Namyangju © Namyangju Institute of Lifelong Learning

Namyangju’s learning lighthouses

A glance at the publication Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities – (Case 11/12) more
Swansea by Swansea University

Narrowing the gaps between deprived and affluent areas: Swansea as a learning city

A glance at the publication Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities: Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities - (Case 12 /12) more
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