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Global Network of Learning Cities: Newsletter December 2014/ Boletín Informativo Diciembre 2014 / Bulletin d´Information Décembre 2014

Welcome to the third issue of the Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) Newsletter:

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Global Network of Learning Cities

Newsletter December 2014
UNESCO GNLC Coordination Team

Dear partners,

Welcome to the third issue of the Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) Newsletter.

On this occasion, we would like to share with you the outcomes of the preparatory work for the second International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC). A first International Expert Meeting was held on 19 and 20 November in Mexico City. This event, co-organised by UIL and the Government of Mexico City, brought together more than 50 experts from around 20 countries to share insights and relevant experiences on developing learning cities worldwide and exchange ideas on the preparation of the second ICLC.

Another highlight of this newsletter is an interview feature with Councillor Bob Turner, Mayor of Melton City, and Mr Peter Blunden, Executive Officer of the Learning Board of Melton City, Australia. The City of Melton has been developing as a learning community since 1998. In the interview, Mr Turner and Mr Blunden shared the lessons they learned in the process of developing Melton into a learning city.

Finally, you will find some information on developments in other cities and on the coming event for next year.

We hope you will enjoy reading the newsletter. We would also like to take the opportunity to express our gratitude for your support over the past year.

Season’s greetings, happy holidays and best wishes for the New Year!

We invite you to submit your city news regularly to learningcities(at)


Yours sincerely,
UNESCO GNLC Coordination Team




Developing a learning city that promotes economic development, supports social inclusion and builds human capital — An Interview with Bob Turner, Mayor of Melton City, and Peter Blunden, Executive Officer of the Learning Board of Melton City, Australia

Councillor Bob Turner, Mayor of Melton City, and Mr Peter Blunden, Executive Officer to the Learning Board of Melton City, were interviewed by the UNESCO GNLC Coordination Team in September 2014. They spoke about the initiatives and projects taking place in Melton’s community to build a learning city.more



Achievements and lessons learnt in building learning cities and in the expansion of the UNESCO GNLC

More than 50 experts, governors and educational executives from around 20 countries were gathered in Mexico City on 19 and 20 November 2014 to share experiences and exchange ideas in developing learning cities during the first International Expert Meeting for preparing the second International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC). more
The Framework of Key Features in Japanese

GNLC presented in Okayama, Japan

At the Kominkan-CLC International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (Okayama, Japan, 9-12 October 2014), UIL staff presented the Global Network of Learning Cities to over 650 policymakers and practitioners of community-based learning from 29 countries. more

Cities in Action


Developing Bahir Dar into a Learning Community

A workshop was held in Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, on 28 November 2014 to discuss the working strategies of initiating and implementing the learning city project in Bahir Dar city. more

Chinese Government Launched the First National Official Policy Paper on Learning Cities

In August 2014, the first Chinese national official policy paper on learning cities, entitled “The Decision on Promoting Building Learning Cities” was jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and six other Chinese central government ministries. It will serve as the guideline for the development of learning cities in China.more

Upcoming events


4th World Forum on Lifelong Learning

05 February 2015 - 06 February 2015  

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