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Government could support lifelong learning - or just launch initiatives - Jonathan Michie BLOG

I had hoped that we would all be starting 2021 a little easier - particularly with the announcements of vaccinations and lateral flow testing across the world - unfortunately for a lot of colleagues, we have once again been thrown into turmoil - closing buildings, changing learning patterns and increasing our constant support for students.

I do know that this year will not only be a year of sharing best practices but it will also include reflection of the journey we have all taken.

In his latest BlOG,  UALL Chair, Jonathan Michie, takes a look at the UK Government's manifesto commitments and asks the question of whether it will support lifelong learning or just launch initiatives.   

As well accessing it here you can also access it from our website

I look forward to sharing your thoughts.

Kind regards



Verity Hilton
Communications and Media support


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