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Innovation Systems in Metropolitan Regions of Developing Countries - Challenges, Opportunities and Entry Points

This study forms part of the publication series “Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Regions” that gives conceptual guidance and recommendations for hands-on approaches for development organizations as well as partner countries in the field of sustainable development of metropolitan regions.

Metropolitan regions are main drivers for national economic development. They act as production and transport hubs, domestic markets and knowledge centers. As such, they offer tremendous potential for economic development not only within their own territory, but also as part of the broader regional and national development agenda. A metropolitan region perspective enables local governments to promote cooperation and overcome competition between different ministries and sectors through coordinated policy making and planning, thus facilitating a business and innovation friendly environment.

Fostering innovation systems is essential for regional development, because other strategies and concepts (e.g. Smart Cities, Green Economy, Urban Nexus Approach) build on innovation to promote a smarter, greener or more inclusive development within urban areas. The study illustrates the specific challenges of developing countries in promoting innovation systems and provides a set of tools to identify local innovation potential.

We encourage a critical and intensive discussion about the publication through policy makers and practitioners as well as academia. The publication series shall serve as a reference point for the ongoing international discussion on transforming urbanization and therefore contribute to the Habitat III debate.

Carmen Vogt
Head of Programme
“Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Regions”

Marius Venter

Director: PASCAL Observatory   Africa
Chairperson: Economic Development Council of South Africa (EDCSA)
Deputy Chairperson: Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA)

SKYPE: marius.venter900


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