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International Conference on SDGs: Actors and Implementation, 18-19th Sept in Barcelona - Programme and early bird registration open!

What kind of interaction and collaboration is required between the various actors (governments, businesses, third sector and academic institutions) to promote sustainable development?

How can universities, through knowledge, training and scientific research, contribute to the achievement of sustainable development?

What policies should cities and states deploy in order to meet global challenges at a local /regional scale?

These and other questions will be analyzed and discussed during the International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Actors and Implementation, to be held on the 18th and 19t September 2017 in Barcelona.

This leading Conference aims to create a permanent and multidisciplinary knowledge network on the implementation of the SDGs, where all stakeholders will learn from each other: universities, governments, cities and public and social agencies.

The Conference will count on more than 40 speakers from around 20 countries that will exchange knowledge, ideas, experiences and expectations around the challenges involved with the SDGs. Through a combination of keynote presentations by renowned experts, round tables and parallel sessions, the Conference wants to open a debate among the different stakeholders on solutions for a sustainable development to transform society at local and global level.

Check out the Conference website to find out more about the programme, speakers and practical information.


Register before June 21st and benefit from the early bird rate.
Register here!

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