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Milchen Institute Report on Age-Forward Cities for 2030

The American Milchen Centre for the Future of ageing has produced the attached report on “Age-Forward Cities for 2030.. PASCAL developed contact with the Milchen Centre in distributing the PASCAL/PIMA SIG report on Good Active Ageing in America.

The attached report is interesting in its broad approach to good ageing which goes beyond (while including) the WHO Age-friendly concept. This includes economic aspects with the report covering three main themes:

  1. Age-forward economic development;
  2. Age-inclusive 21st-century design;
  3. Resilient networks for healthy ageing.

These are important themes for the further development of PASCAL work on good ageing.  Some Australian governments are already consulting on the question of keeping older people in the workforce, a question that has important education and training implications as well as economic and industrial relations aspects. What can PASCAL contribute?

The full report is featured below...

age_forward_2030_final_digital_web_dec_2.pdf7.66 MB

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