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Milestone treaty for Israeli Learning Cities

A significant and historic milestone was laid in the network of learning cities in Israel this week, In an exciting and festive ceremony with the signing of the first treaty of its kind in the Israeli learning cities network between the first such city in Israel, Modi'in, the Arab town of Daburiya in the Galilee, and the city of Udine, in Italy – three learning cities representing three different religions and cultures.

These cities joined the Israeli learning cities network that embraces four authorities that were declared officially, eight authorities that will be joining the declaration in the coming months, and six more authorities that are preparing themselves for this step by the end of 2015.

Representatives and key figures from Israel and from the learning cities attended the ceremony: Dr. Orna Mager, the developer of the "learning cities" model in Israel and the head of the Israel Center for Learning Cities in Modi'in (which develops learning programs and key joint projects to encourage "Life Long Learning" through partnerships and pooling resources with various factors in the community), Mr. Haim Bibas, Mayor of Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut and the Chairman of Federation of Local Authorities in Israel, Prof. Giuseppina Raso, President of the Università delle LiberEtà del FVG in Udine and , Italy and ambassador to EPALE,  Mr. Zoher Yosfia, head of the Daburiya local council, Ms. Megi Koren, director of the Department for Adult Education in the Ministry of Education in Israel, Mr. Asher Levi, Chairman of the Israel Adult Education Association, Dr. Dalit Atrakchi, Secretary General of the Israel National Commission for UNESCO, representatives of government ministries, heads of organizations and other dignitaries.

The heads of the various authorities signed a joint treaty in Hebrew, Arabic, Italian and English, declaring their commitment to promoting and assimilating lifelong learning in the learning cities through multi-cultural dialogue, mutual learning, joint projects and friendships.

Participants at the festive ceremony were pleased to receive direct greetings via a video clip, prepared in advance, from the UIL team headed by Prof. Arne Carlsen, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Mr. Raul Valdez Cotera, project manager, and Ms. Mo Wang of the coordinating team.

After the festive ceremony the mayors and the professional representatives gathered for discussions regarding future joint projects to promote active citizenship and Life Long Learning in the learning communities, for mutual learning, and to exchange knowledge and best practice experience.

The Israeli Center for Leaning Cities welcomes the new partners in the Israeli network, and is grateful for the opportunity to cooperate with UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning and with the global network.

Looking forward to seeing you in Mexico City.



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