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Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W] - April 2014

This is the latest edition of the L&W Newsletter, which will reach you via a mailing list of over 1400 experts in and beyond Europe. As always, it focuses on transnational research activities in the field of human resource development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on major categories: conferences, networks, programmes, projects and publications. Many thanks to all who contributed information for this edition of the Newsletter!
Particularly worth noting in this edition are three calls for papers (EIASM Workshop in Berlin, Cedefop workshop in Thessaloniki and Conference on Gender and Migration in Zollikofen/Berne - see Conferences), the PhD Program on Innovation and Land Use Management (see Programmes), a Research Fellow post for the Precarious Pathways project (see Projects) and a special journal issue on Projects in Technology-Intense Work (see Publications).

Should you prefer to read the current Newsletter edition online, you can find it under April 2014 on the website ( And please pass the Newletter on to your own colleagues and networks - thanks! The next edition of the Newsletter will appear in early June 2014. You are invited to submit short pieces of news (texts of 100 to 200 words, without attachments, but including links to web pages) - please by 31 May 2014 at the latest!

With best wishes
Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter


IMASS Conference on Multidimensional Aspects of Spatial Analyses
The 1st International Conference on Applied Methods in Social Sciences: "The Multidimensional Aspects of Spatial Analyses" will be held in Olhão, Portugal, on 23-24 April 2014. The conference aims to promote pragmatic social science approaches that integrate a holistic understanding of social phenomena. So although thematic, this event is not closed to other insights able to emphasize interdisciplinary actions. The conference brings together guest speakers with recognized merit in academic fields: Professor Peter Nijkamp, Manfred Fischer, Estrella Gualda Caballero, Waldemar Ratajczak and Eric Vaz are just some of the names to note. Detailed information about the conference topics and workshops, guest speakers, and registration is available on the website ( The conference is organized by IMASS ( in partnership with the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics ( IMASS conferences are great opportunities for scholars to join worldwide recognized experts in an informal environment in order to establish a sound dialogue on methods and applications in the various fields of the Social Sciences.
(Posted by Julieta Rosa <[email protected]> on behalf of Teresa de Noronha)

Conference interviews: E-learning at work and the workplace
EDEN Annual Conference 10-13 June 2014, Zagreb, Croatia [Website]
Part of the pre-conference activities is to generate discussion online for the theme of E-learning at work and the workplace. Included are interviews with keynote speakers carried out by fellow academics of the EDEN network and presented on the Conference Blog. Professor Jeff Haywood (University of Edinburgh, UK), interviewed by Alastair Creelman (Linnaeus University, Sweden), discusses open learning, certifications and employability and the problems of universities meeting the demands of industry for digitally literate critical thinkers who have real skills [Interview]. Professor Terry Anderson (Athabasca University, Canada), one of the pioneers of online and distance learning, speaks to Steve Wheeler (Plymouth University, UK) on the challenges of a contemporary educator [Interview].
(Info received via <[email protected]>)

Call for Papers: 3rd EIASM Workshop on Talent Management
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Berlin, Germany, October 13-14, 2014
Building on a tremendous success of the previous two meetings, we are cordially inviting you to register for the 3rd EIASM Workshop on Talent Management, to be held in Berlin on October 13-14.  The abstract submission deadline is June 15, while full papers are due by October 1.  Note, however, that there is no requirement to submit the paper in order to attend the workshop.  You can find more information by exploring the following link. We look forward to seeing you in Berlin! On behalf of my co-chairs, Vlad (Dr. Vlad Vaiman <[email protected]>).
(Post received via UFHRD mailing list)

Call for papers: Cedefop workshop on work-based learning
"Designing, implementing and supporting effective work-based learning in continuing vocational education and training" 21.-22.10.2014, Thessaloniki
This workshop is addressed to European and national policy-makers, including social partners, and other key stakeholders working in the field of continuing vocational education and training (CVET) such as human resources managers, training providers and researchers. Through presentations and interactive sessions, the workshop aims to share new knowledge and practical experience in work-based learning and to discuss their implications for policy and practice. The focus is on: 1. Effective use of work-based learning in CVET in firms; 2. How public policy and new forms of governance can support good practice. The call for papers is open until 23.05.2014. Cedefop will reimburse travel and accommodation costs of presenters according to Cedefop rules.
(Received from Alexandra Dehmel <[email protected]>)

Call for papers: Conference on Gender and Migration
"Gender and migration in different tracks of higher Education", 31 October to 1 November 2014, Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training SFIVET, Zollikofen/Berne, Switzerland
The Research Committee Gender Studies, Swiss Sociological Association, in co-operation with the section on Women's and Gender Studies, German Sociological Association and the section on Feminist Theory and Gender Studies, Austrian Sociological Association, will organize a workshop focusing on the following questions: How do gender and migration experiences affect access to the different tracks of higher education (professional education and training (PET), universities of applied science (UAS) and universities (US))? What role do gender and migration experiences play in explaining trajectories and success rates in higher education and the ensuing transition into the labour market? To what extent do tracks of higher education (PET, AUS, US) offer comparable access and success chances for men and women with different social and ethnic backgrounds? For the call for papers see the following link:
(Posted by Irene Kriesi <[email protected]>)

9th International Conference on Work and Learning - Singapore 2015
The Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) is excited to host the 9th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning (RWL9) in December 2015, in partnership with the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and SIM University (UniSIM). We will explore the theme "Work and Learning in the era of Globalisation: Challenges for the 21st Century". In Singapore, as in other parts of Asia and the world, the impact of globalisation has resulted in a focus on productivity, skills and performance resulting in particularly rapid changes in work, and in  attention to what these changes mean for learning for those in work or finding work. This leads us to pose the following questions: #How does globalisation mediate skills, performance and work? #What are the implications of the changing nature of work for learning through work? #In what ways can Vocational Education and Training policies and systems be responsive to the changing nature of work and global and regional pressures? - A call for individual papers, symposiums and poster presentations will be made in February 2015. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers, scholars and experts to share their research and exchange insights on mutual areas of interest. Submitted by Bonnie Slade on 19 February, 2014 [Link]
(Info: Latest Posts from CR&DALL Site Digest for 19/02/2014)

NOTE: Forthcoming and recent events related to European research in work and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference page []. 


UFHRD Newsletter forthcoming
The next edition of the Quarterly Newsletter published by the University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD) is due to be posted on the web (see UFHRD News page) mid April. Contact: Rick Holden <[email protected]>
(Info received via UFHRD mailing list)

Update: The Directory of Professional Contacts (, including more than 200 professionals across 30 countries in the field of transnational European VET and HRD research, is being continuously updated. You can find brief information on colleagues with particular expertise as authors, project and network coordinators or programme chairs - all being involved in European collaboration. Data in this Directory is linked up with major research resources such as the Bookshelf, Overview of articles, Conference page, ECER VETNET Proceedings and Overview of HRD conference papers, Networks at a glance and Overview of projects.
(Contributed by Sabine Manning)

: References to research networks in the field of European work and learning are available on the WIFO page Networks at a glance []. Major online resources related to European research networks include the ECER VETNET Proceedings ( offering a complete and up-to-date collection of conference papers submitted since 1998, and the Overview of selected HRD conference papers (


International seminar series on Learning from Incidents
The Caledonian Academy at Glasgow Caledonian University (UK) is organising a series of international seminars "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning from Incidents". This seminar series will critically evaluate and advance the theory, methodology, organisational practice and policy of learning from incidents (LFI) in the workplace.  The seminars combine Adult and Organisational Learning, Sociology, Industrial Psychology, and Human Factors Engineering and Ethnography, bringing together distinguished scholars and early-career researchers from the UK, Finland, Italy, and Spain. Seminar participants include practitioners and policy-makers from the energy, construction, transport and other sectors and professional and government bodies and third-sector organisations. Funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, the series includes 6 international interdisciplinary seminars, which will be held in Glasgow, Aberdeen, London and Southampton. Seminar attendance is free of charge, and includes lunch. All seminars are webcast live; video-recordings of past seminars are available. The next seminar entitled "Theorising Learning from Incidents – What innovative conceptual contributions can the different disciplines make?" will take place on June 11, 2014 at University of Aberdeen. For details visit and follow us on Twitter
(Posted by Anoush Margaryan  <[email protected]>)

PhD Program on Innovation and Land Use Management
The Faculty of Economics ( and the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics ( of the University of Algarve, Portugal, are presenting a new edition of the Doctoral Program in Innovation and Land Use Management (ILUM). The specific goals of the PhD ILUM are to form researchers able to promote scientific research in the areas of innovation and land use management based on multidisciplinary approaches related to spatial and organizational dynamics; to transmit the most recent knowledge and best practices in the area of strategic management, human resources and entrepreneurship; to stimulate innovation and the development of new processes and products with the help of planning processes and knowledge management; and to intensify the general understanding of economic activity and its ability to interact with the surrounding environment. The application period will end 15th July 2014. For further information please visit:
(Posted by Julieta Rosa <[email protected]> on behalf of Teresa de Noronha)

NOTE: Contributions are welcome for the next edition of the Directory of Doctoral Dissertations (, provided as part of the WIFO Gateway, which focuses on European research in the field of vocational education (VET) and human resource development (HRD). Please provide information on expected or newly completed doctoral dissertations investigating issues of HRD, VET or work-related adult education, according to the following pattern: 1*Theme of dissertation (original language AND English); 2*Year of (expected) completion or publication; 3*Author (name and email address); 4*Tutor (name and email address); 5*Institution of tutor (name and home page). Contributions should be posted by email to the editor ([email protected]).


Research Fellow post for Precarious Pathways project
Please note the following vacancy for a Research Fellow post for the ESRC Precarious Pathways project, fixed term for 3 years from June 2014. Warwick Institute for Employment Research seeks to appoint a Research Fellow to work on the ESRC-funded project "Precarious Pathways of Young People into Employment": an interdisciplinary study focused on the Midlands, to work as part of a team of researchers located at the Universities of Warwick, Aston, Leicester and the Open University. Under the direction of Professor Kate Purcell, you will work across the project with other members of the team, contribute to the design and fieldwork of survey and case study research in the Midlands, assist with project co-ordination and participate at all stages of the dissemination activities, from website design to the publication of findings. This post is an excellent opportunity to develop interdisciplinary research and project management experience on potentially high-profile policy-relevant research. - Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Kate Purcell, Principal Investigator of the project ([email protected]). The closing date is 23 April 2014. Interview date: 16 May 2014. Here is the link to the university page. Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested in applying.
(Received from Alan Brown <[email protected]>)

LLLight'in'Europe: FP7 research project
The LLLight'in'Europe research project is part of the European Commission’s FP7 programme and is undertaken by an international consortium of nine universities and research centres. Facing increasingly dynamic environments, quick technological change and fierce competition, companies increasingly depend on their human capital to achieve success. As a consequence, lifelong learning offerings become more and more important to attract and retain talented employees. However, although companies nowadays seek to invest in lifelong learning, research lacks actionable evidence on how human capital is created through lifelong learning activities. The LLLight'in'Europe project is initiated to provide more evidence-based insights into the role of human capital. The project uses Complex Problem Solving skills (CPS) to measure human capital. CPS refers to an individual’s ability to solve complex and quickly changing problems. It offers a foundation for the acquisition of further skills which are economically and socially important as they result in high performance and competitive advantage for companies. Since innovation has become the driving force behind change processes within companies, the meaning of human capital for innovation will be taken into account as well. Participation in the research project is still possible and yields valuable information and insights for companies. For more information please visit or contact [email protected].
(Posted by Yvette Baggen)

NOTE: Contributions are invited to update the Overview of European research projects [], provided as part of the WIFO Gateway. The overview focuses on transnational research projects, mainly supported by EU programmes, in the areas of human resource development, vocational education, work and learning. Please send the following information to the editor ([email protected]):  (A) exact title and acronym (short name) of the project; (B) name and email address of the coordinator or main contact; (C) address of the website (or info page/ flyer) of the project. Contact: Sabine Manning


Call for Papers: Special Issue  on Projects in Technology-Intense Work

We are very pleased to announce the call for papers for a special issue of New Technology, Work and Employment (NTWE), entitled "The Politics of Projects in Technology-Intensive Work", edited by Damian Hodgson, Johann Packendorff, Monica Lindgren and Svetlana Cicmil. This special issue seeks to explore key issues relating to the impact and implications of project work in technology-intensive settings, informed by recent work in Critical Project Studies. Critical research papers into work and employment issues related to projects are invited, addressing project work, project management as a career and profession, and PM control technologies. Full details are attached. For information on how to submit to the journal New Technology, Work and Employment see details on the NTWE website <>. Deadline for submissions will be November 28th 2014. For further details or other enquiries, please contact [email protected]

(Call received via UFHRD mailing list)

Book on youth and work transitions

Youth and work transitions in changing social landscapes, edited by Helena Helve and Karen Evans, Tufnell Press, 2013: ISBN 9781872767581, 356 pp. [Info]
This book outlines the changing constellations of risk and opportunity that young people face in transitions from school to work, drawing on recent research into youth work transitions, wellbeing, employment, and career interventions. International in its scope and including a range of disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, methodological and theoretical perspectives, it combines case studies from Europe with studies from the USA, Canada, South Africa, the Caribbean, India, Japan, Russia, Australia and New Zealand, examining the structural forces that affect the choices young people are able to make. The book offers researchers and practitioners new perspectives on current approaches that focus on the wellbeing of young people beyond education and work settings.
(Info received from Helena Helve <[email protected]>)

Measuring skills of labour force in Europe
Žilvinas Martinaitis, "Measuring skills in Europe" European Journal of Training and Development, 38 (3), 2014 [Details]
‘Skills‘ is a central concept in a number of academic and policy debates. Yet measurement of skills of labour force remains highly problematic. The dominant approach uses signals of individual capacities (for e.g. level of education) as a proxy of skills. This paper develops and tests methodology for more direct measurement of skills by focussing on how individuals perform their tasks rather than what they could be capable of doing. The level of skills is measured in three dimensions: degree of uncertainty, autonomy and skills-building. Results cover 29 European countries. The empirical analysis relies on the European Working Conditions Survey carried out in 2010. The results suggest that Nordic countries exhibit the best performance according to all three dimensions.
(Info from Žilvinas Martinaitis <[email protected]>)

Report on ECVET implementation
Monitoring ECVET implementation strategies in Europe in 2013. Cedefop 2014 [Info; Report]
Eleven years after the first meeting on the creation of a credit transfer system for vocational education and training (ECVET), how committed are countries to applying VET credit transfer to their wider qualifications systems? Using information provided by social partners, national and regional authorities and credit transfer system experts, this fourth annual report on ECVET looks into how far 38 countries/regions have come in testing, using, and committing themselves to applying ECVET in qualifications; and examines which countries have put this development on hold, and why.
(Info from Cedefop Newsletter no. 39 - February 2014)

NOTE: Updates on publications provided by the WIFO Gateway include the WIFO Bookshelf [], a collection of references to publications focusing on cross-European issues of work and learning, and "From the Journals" - Overview of articles on cross-European issues in VET and HRD research [], selected from European and international Journals related to education research [].


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