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Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W] - February 2014

This is the latest edition of the L&W Newsletter. As always, it focuses on transnational research activities in the field of human resource development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on major categories: conferences, networks, programmes, projects and publications. Many thanks to all who contributed information for this edition of the Newsletter!

Particularly worth noting in this edition are five calls for papers (EARLI SIG 14 in Oslo, "Skills for the Future" in Toulouse, "Future of Entrepreneurship" in Kristiansand, "Youth in Transition" in Cologne, and "VET beyond European conceptions" in Tanzania - see Conferences/ Networks) and two special journal issues (on HRD: Conference 2013, and on Workplace Learning: HRDI - see Publications).

Should you prefer to read the current Newsletter edition online, you can find it under February 2014 on the website ( And please pass the Newletter on to your own colleagues and networks - thanks! The next edition of the Newsletter will appear in early April 2014. You are invited to submit short pieces of news (texts of 100 to 200 words, without attachments, but including links to web pages) - please by 31 March 2014 at the latest!

With best wishes
Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter


Update on HRD Conference, 4th - 6th June 2014
Preparations continue apace for the 15th International Conference on Human Resource Development Theory and Practice across Europe taking place at Edinburgh Napier University between 4th and 6th June 2014. In what is shaping up to be an exciting programme, a total of 230 abstracts have been submitted to the conference. Authors are reminded that final submissions to the conference should be made via the conference website ( by February 14th 2014. Authors should please pay attention to the formatting guidelines which can be found on the conference website when preparing their final submissions. One author on each submission should also be registered for the conference by the February 14th 2014 submission deadline. Masters and Doctoral students are also reminded of the pre-conference schedule which includes a series of Master classes and a visit to New Lanark (home place of pioneering visionary Robert Owen). Details can be found on the conference website Contact e-mail: [email protected]
(Info from David McGuire <[email protected]>)

EARLI SIG 14 call for papers: Transformations in Knowledge and Professional Learning

The EARLI SIG 14 on Learning and Professional Development is holding its 7th bi-annual conference in Oslo, Norway on 27-29 August 2014. We are now inviting abstract submissions related to the conference theme "Transformations in Knowledge and Professional Learning". The conference theme focuses on changes in professional learning and development from two distinct, but interdependent, angles: First, the theme reflects a focus on transformations in the ways knowledge develops and is shared in professional communities, and established forms of knowing and learning are challenged. Second, the theme reflects an interest in how knowledge becomes transformed through practitioners' practice and learning. In addition, we welcome contributions that relate to the core themes of EARLI SIG 14. Conference formats include individual papers, round tables, symposia and poster presentations. We also plan a combined pre-conference and PhD course for early career researchers on 25-26 August. For more details please visit the conference web site: The deadline for the submission of abstracts and extended summaries is 16 February 2014. On behalf of the organising committee: Monika Nerland ([email protected]) and Leif C. Lahn ([email protected])
(Info received from Stephen Billett <[email protected]>)

Call for Papers
: International Conference on Skills for the Future. Toulouse, 18-19 September 2014 
Toulouse Business School in collaboration with Curtin University Business School is hosting the International Conference on Skills for the Future: Training, employment, occupations and employability in turbulent times. There is universal policy consensus on the need to build workforce skills to support economic development and cope with evolving labour market needs in a period of profound and sustained restructuring. This Conference is designed to provide the intellectual space for debates surrounding skills and competence, training and development, occupations, employment and employability. Additionally, we are interested in papers addressing related topics such as migration and migrant workers, union-led learning, restructuring, precarious work and unemployment, high performance work systems and worker well-being. We are keen to have contributions with an international comparative dimension based on sound empirical research. Contributors are invited to submit an abstract of 500 words by 30 April 2014. The language of the conference and publications will be English. We are negotiating edited collections with publishers and special issues of academic journals with editors; selected papers presented at this conference will be considered for inclusion in these initiatives. For more information please visit the Conference website:
(Posted by Jonathan Winterton <[email protected]>)

Call for Papers: EMAB Conference on the Future of Entrepreneurship
The EuroMed (European and Mediterranean) Academy of Business announces its 7th Annual EMAB Conference, hosted by the University of Agder at Kristiansand, Norway, September 18th-19th, 2014.
Track themes offered by the Programme include, for instance, Cross-Cultural Management (e.g. cultural issues in international business and management; intercultural competence); Education and Training; Entrepreneurship and Innovation (12 tracks); Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management (e.g. early labour market careers and competencies: apprenticeships and work-based Learning; global challenges on sustainable employability and innovative HRD practices). Submission deadline: March 24th, 2014. Participants also form specialised teams applying and getting involved in EU project funding. EMRBI network submitted over 11 new projects last year. A Research Project Workshop will take place during the conference. Conference website:!academic-conference/cngi
(Info received via UFHRD mailing list)

"Youth in Transition: VET in Times of Economic Crisis": Call for Papers
2nd International Conference of the German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.), 22 - 24 September 2014, University of Cologne, Germany.
The Chair of Economics and Business Education at the University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz, invites researchers working on the following issues to submit proposals for conference presentations: Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Policy Research, Comparative Research, Transitions, Pre-Vocational Education, Business and Economic Education, Initial and Further Training, Entrepreneurship Education, Quality Assurance and Measurement in VET etc. Please send an abstract of no more than one page to [email protected] by 1 Mai 2014. For details on the call for papers and the registration to the conference, please visit our website:
(Posted by Susanne Berger <[email protected]>)

Preview: 6th Nordic conference on adult education and learning 2015
Conference on "Adult Education and the Planetary Condition" organized by the Universities of Tampere and Åbo Akademi (Research Programme Freedom and Responsibility of Popular Adult Education) at School of Education, University of Tampere, Finland, 26.-27.3.2015
Both the theory and practice of adult education have developed much as a response to societal and economical change in a nation-state context. Currently researchers, practitioners and policy-makers in adult education are witnessing the consequences of globalization, not only as increased interaction and mobility across different kinds of borders, but also as financial and economical, social and environmental crises on a global scale. The local challenges of adulthood are increasingly also planetary. The loose umbrella of the sixth biannual Nordic conference on adult education and learning is the place and function of adult education in a planetary perspective. It invites researchers to discuss their topics and results in the tension-field of the local and global. Contributions relating adult education to social, economical, ecological and cultural issues are especially welcome, but the conference is open to all interested in encounters and dialogues within the Nordic adult education community. More information about the program, call for papers and conference practicalities will follow soon and will be available on the conference website  Contact: Anja Heikkinen, [email protected], Annika Turunen, [email protected]
(Posted by Anja Heikkinen)

: Forthcoming and recent events related to European research in work and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference page [].  


VET & Culture workshop in Tanzania
"VET beyond European conceptions: Approaches and challenges for East African VET", Mzumbe University, Tanzania - 16th to 18th September 2014. Call for contributions:
As main topics of the workshop we propose the following: 1. Conceptual debate on frameworks for promoting VET in East Africa. 2. Attitudes towards VET and their impacts on its growth and development. 3. Challenges of VET methodology and how competences are evaluated in a specific institution. 4. Quality of Staff. What is the current status and required standard of status? 5. Planning and management of VET in Tanzania. Is there any coordination between relevant stakeholders in the promotion of VET? 6. Should we merge technical with general education in our school?/education system? 7. The VET model in Tanzania and its perceived impacts on its promotion. -  All contributions should try to make an impact on the development of VET in East Africa. Examples should be advantages and disadvantages of certain VET systems for the region, chances and constraints of certain methodologies for their implementation in East African contexts etc. Deadline for abstracts (not more than one page): 28 Feb 2014. Contact: Matthias Vonken ([email protected]);  Accommodation & travel: Perpetua Kalimasi ([email protected])
(Posted by Matthias Vonken)

UFHRD: joint research with IFTDO

Proposals are now in to undertake a significant piece of cross-cultural research. The University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD) and the International Federation of Training and Development Organisations (IFTDO) are cooperating to support the conduct of academically and professionally relevant research. An initial activity is to fund a research project examining similarities and differences of HRD professional practices in different regions of the world. The project must establish data and evidence which provides solid grounds for comparing professional practice in at least three world regions. The committee are particularly but not exclusively interested in variations between Europe, Asia and Africa. Proposals have now been received and the announcement of the successful bid is expected shortly.
(Source: UFHRD Newsletter January 2014

UFHRD Newsletter: The latest edition of the Quarterly Newsletter (21/01/14) published by the University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD), featuring Forum News, HRD News and Research, and Calendar of Events, is available at: Contact: Rick Holden <[email protected]>
(Contributed by Sabine Manning)

Update: The Directory of Professional Contacts (, including more than 200 professionals across 30 countries in the field of transnational European VET and HRD research, is being continuously updated. You can find brief information on colleagues with particular expertise as authors, project and network coordinators or programme chairs - all being involved in European collaboration. Data in this Directory is linked up with major research resources such as the Bookshelf, Overview of articles, Conference page, ECER VETNET Proceedings and Overview of HRD conference papers, Networks at a glance and Overview of projects.
(Contributed by Sabine Manning)

: References to research networks in the field of European work and learning are available on the WIFO page Networks at a glance []. Major online resources related to European research networks include the ECER VETNET Proceedings ( offering a complete and up-to-date collection of conference papers submitted since 1998, and the Overview of selected HRD conference papers (

Programmes/ Resources

World TVET Database now totals 50 country reports
UNESCO-UNEVOC has published reports on eleven more countries as part of its World TVET Database, accessible at: Country reports recently added include: Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Sweden. The World TVET Database provides concise, reliable and up-to-date information on TVET systems worldwide in one single place. It helps TVET officials, experts and stakeholders, but also researchers and students of TVET, to learn about trends and challenges. The database also allows the identification of information gaps and stimulates comparative studies of TVET systems. Country reports are structured in the following way: #TVET mission, legislation and national policy or strategy; #structure of the TVET system: formal, non-formal and informal TVET systems; #governance and financing; #TVET teachers and trainers; #qualifications and qualification frameworks; and #current and ongoing reforms, projects and challenges. The UNESCO-UNEVOC team looks forward to having your comments and feedback - please contact [email protected]
(Info obtained from UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum 3 Dec 2013)

NOTE: Contributions are welcome for the next edition of the Directory of Doctoral Dissertations (, provided as part of the WIFO Gateway, which focuses on European research in the field of vocational education (VET) and human resource development (HRD). Please provide information on expected or newly completed doctoral dissertations investigating issues of HRD, VET or work-related adult education, according to the following pattern: 1*Theme of dissertation (original language AND English); 2*Year of (expected) completion or publication; 3*Author (name and email address); 4*Tutor (name and email address); 5*Institution of tutor (name and home page). Contributions should be posted by email to the editor ([email protected]).


ICT and eSkills for Social Care: Conference
On 26 February 2014 an international CareNET ( conference will be organised at the Brussels Press Club in Belgium, to share the lessons learned and to collaborate with other initiatives of the field and to establish further use of these results. We invite practitioners, organisations and researchers to join the consortium in discussing what ways open up for the care-sector in the brave new world of digital inclusion. Participation is free of charge. There are two ways for participation: online and on-site. The venue will be the Brussels Press Club in Brussels, Belgium, with its central location (Schuman Metro stop) - it's easy to reach from all parts of Brussels. All participants are required to register online here (participation for both online and on-site event is free of charge). Read further details about recent project developments and interesting articles on this field in the 2nd careNET newsletter.
(Posted by Eva Suba <[email protected]>)

Certification for Mentors and Tutors
The Certi.MenTu project, coordinated by the Schulungszentrum Fohnsdorf (, is a European initiative which concerns work-based vocational learning. In the course of the two-year Leonardo da Vinci project, a new support model for mentors and tutors is being developed. Mentors are understood as employees who give support to trainees in an in-house training scheme. Tutors are trainers, coaches or supervisors who support students at educational institutions, encourage their personal and professional development and promote their (re)integration in the labour market. In the framework of the project, the common definitions of the functions of tutors and mentors in an employment context as well as the European competence matrixes for them (level 5 EQF) were developed. The matrixes provided the basis for the curriculum and for the certification of non-formal and informal knowledge according to EN ISO 17024 - Certification of Persons. One of the main innovative features of the project is the certificate awarded at the end of the course, which will be valid throughout Europe. For detailed information you can visit the project website Contact: Dimitrios Doukas ([email protected]).
(Info received from Jola Religa <[email protected]>)

Peer review for Quality Assurance in VET
Peer Review for EQAVET is a two-year Leonardo da Vinci (ToI) project, coordinated by DIMITRA ITD (, which is concerned with "Facilitating a Common Quality Assurance Framework through Peer Review for VET". It reflects the relationship between national systems of quality assurance (QA) in VET and the principles of European Quality Assurance (EQAVET). One particularly promising instrument of QA, which this project transfers, is Peer Review. This is a form of external evaluation with the aim to support the reviewed educational institution in its efforts for QA and continuing quality improvement. Our project aims to transfer and further develop the above innovative and successful method of QA in VET in five 'new countries' (that have not participated in Peer Review transfer so far): Greece, Sweden, France, Bulgaria and Poland, and also act as a model for transferring Peer Review into other national systems of QA for VET. Within the project, we have established the European Community Network of Peers ( enabling the exchange of knowledge and good practices in the field of QA in CVET with peers from the whole of Europe. For detailed information you can also visit the project website Contact: Anastasopoulou Vaso <[email protected]>
(Info received from Jola Religa <[email protected]>)

NOTE: Contributions are invited to update the Overview of European research projects [], provided as part of the WIFO Gateway. The overview focuses on transnational research projects, mainly supported by EU programmes, in the areas of human resource development, vocational education, work and learning. Please send the following information to the editor ([email protected]):  (A) exact title and acronym (short name) of the project; (B) name and email address of the coordinator or main contact; (C) address of the website (or info page/ flyer) of the project. Contact: Sabine Manning


Just published: Special issue on HRD
In December 2013 the Journal "Human Resource Management/Zarzadzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi" (, produced in Poland, published a mono-thematic issue in English about HRD. This issue represents a unique juxtaposition of contributions all of which are set within at least one of the international HRD trajectories identified by Morley and are situated in an overall broader context of ongoing global economic and financial uncertainty. Edited by Maura Sheehan and Aleksy Pocztowski, the issue contains carefully selected articles prepared for the University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD) Conference held in Brighton, June 2013, whose theme was "HRD in Turbulent Seas". Web page of the special issue: [click a 'flag' for English version]. Also worth noting is an earlier thematic issue (access free) on the "Dark Side of Leadership" (HRM(ZZL)6/2011) at: [click a 'flag' for English version]. For further information please contact the copy editor Magdalena M. Wojtaszewska ([email protected]).
(Info received from Magdalena M. Wojtaszewska)

Access the latest research on Workplace Learning
Virtual special issue from "Human Resource Development International"
"Human Resource Development International" is a leading peer-reviewed journal which explores all aspects of practice and research in individual, group and organisational learning and performance. To highlight the depth of content that the journal brings to these subject areas, Routledge is producing a series of virtual special issues based on key themes in Human Resources. The second of the virtual special issues focuses on 'Workplace Learning'. Free Articles Include: Workplace Learning Environment and its Relationship with Learning Outcomes in Healthcare Organizations (Nicholas Clarke); Workplace learning strategies, barriers, facilitators and outcomes: a qualitative study among human resource management practitioners (Paula Crouse, Wendy Doyle & Jeffrey D. Young); Learning patterns in organizations: towards a typology of workplace-learning configurations (Natalie Govaerts & Herman Baert). Start reading the Virtual Special Issues at: Furthermore, the Virtual Special Issue on Leadership and Leadership Development is now available with free access at:
(Posted by Alexandre Ardichvili <[email protected]>)

Comparing work tasks across European countries
"Comparing tasks of 160 occupations across eight European countries" by Tijdens, K.G., De Ruijter, E., De Ruijter, J. In Employee Relations, 36 (2) 2014, pp.110-127 [Details]
Do similar job titles refer to the same work activities, as often assumed but hardly empirically tested? The purpose of this paper is to analyze the similarity of 160 occupations within and across eight European countries using interrater agreement statistics (rWG). Using a multilingual web survey, experts and jobholders in the eight countries rated the frequency of ten tasks per occupation they had knowledge of (n=4,197 ratings). Three hypotheses are investigated: first, interrater agreements of occupations are similar regardless the country; second, interrater agreements of occupations are similar within countries; and third, experts and jobholders are similar in their ratings. Findings: Half of the occupations reveal no agreement across ratings, one-third shows a weak/moderate agreement and one in ten shows a strong agreement. H1 is rejected for task frequency but not for task importance. Within-country similarity of occupations is larger than across-country similarity. H2 is supported for two countries and rejected for two other countries. H3 is not supported. Jobholders demonstrate higher agreement than experts.
(Received from Kea Tijdens  <[email protected]>)

Network learning in England, Finland and Germany
Eila Heikkilä: "Innovation in European Vocational Education and Training: network learning in England, Finland and Germany". In: Research in Comparative and International Education. Volume 8 Number 4 (2013). [Details
The article presents a comparative study of innovation in vocational education and training (VET) in three European countries, England, Finland and Germany, which all rank high in innovation. The paper discusses innovation that emerges from VET practitioners' (directors, teachers, project coordinators, etc.) participation in inter-organisational networks with local, regional, national, European or international partners. The concept of practitioner-driven innovation is introduced to describe the ways VET practitioners perceive participation in inter-organisational network learning to change and innovate practices in VET organisations. The findings of the comparative research, based on the literature of innovation and interviews in the three countries, indicate that the perceptions of VET practitioners on innovation, emerging from participation in inter-organisational networks, are largely convergent across the three European countries. The research suggests that VET practitioners perceive participation in inter-organisational network learning as means to enhance innovation in VET with, for example, specialisation, new training models and professional development. While noting the limitations of the research, the article aims to contribute to present research and discussion of practice-based innovation and network learning in VET.
(Received from Eila Heikkilä, [email protected])

Quantum sports management
In his new book "Achieving competitive edge with quantum sports management", Richard Dealtry offers a revolutionary approach to sports performance management. Sporting achievement is now big business. The whole nature and character of sports management is changing as higher levels of performance are demanded. Achieving these moves forward into the higher ranks of professionalism is now crucially important. The sports world around us is in constant danger of being outdated. This dilemma has to be approached using a highly dynamic all-inclusive process model to ensure that the differences and special skills of each person are captured and constantly refined. The author shines a light on a "quantum inspired" sports management process for cultivating the full potential of individuals and groups, resulting in winning performance outcomes. You will find references to high level scientific subjects, management systems and decision theory, which has all been distilled down into a practical management process.
For further information please visit the G-ACUA website at
(Info received from Richard Dealtry <[email protected]>)

NOTE: Updates on publications provided by the WIFO Gateway include the WIFO Bookshelf [], a collection of references to publications focusing on cross-European issues of work and learning, and "From the Journals" - Overview of articles on cross-European issues in VET and HRD research [], selected from European and international Journals related to education research [].


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