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Placemaking Monthly Newsletter - Project for Public Spaces

This newsletter from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.

Project for Public Spaces
February Newsletter
This newsletter connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issuesquotesplaces, and events from the placemaking movement.
Ideas & Issues

Hurry! Early Bird Registration for Placemaking Week 2017 is Now Open

Don’t just walk or bike, but run to register to attend Placemaking Week 2017 at the Early Bird rate. We couldn’t be more excited about the program that’s shaping up, and hope you will join the growing list of activists, practitioners, and city makers from all over the world who will gather this fall in Amsterdam. Click here for more details and to register for this exciting event!



Placemaking When Black Lives Matter

"What would placemaking look like when black lives matter?" asks guest contributor Annette Koh in an important critique that calls for a new politics of placemaking. Rather than just paying lip service to social equity and inclusion, she argues, planners need to more fully grapple with the ways many well-intentioned efforts can in fact replicate inequalities and exclusionary practices.



2017 "Cultivating Place in Main Street Communities" Trainings Kick Off in Wyoming

In May, PPS and the National Main Street Center kicked off the 2017 “Cultivating Place in Main Street Communities” program in Douglas, Wyoming. Launched in 2016, “Cultivating Place” is a series of intensive trainings designed to strengthen and expand Main Street’s capacity for implementing placemaking strategies and public space improvements. In just one year, the results of these trainings has been phenomenal!


New Orleans Embraces Green Infrastructure: Walk/Bike/Places 2018 Update

As the countdown to the 2018 Walk/Bike/Places Conference has begun, a look at green infrastructure efforts in our host city, New Orleans. PPS's ever-popular Walk/Bike/Places Conference will convene in New Orleans, September 16-19, 2018.

Want to write for the PPS blog? We are now accepting article pitches. Submit your query letter here.
Place Talk

Community is not just a place, it's an activity."
- Majora Carter, delivering the keynote address at the EDRA48 Conference in Madison, WI
A building does not have to be an important work of architecture to become a first-rate landmark. Landmarks are not created by architects. They are fashioned by those who encounter them after they are built. The essential feature of a landmark is not its design, but the place it holds in a city’s memory. Compared to the place it occupies in social history, a landmark’s artistic qualities are incidental.
- Herbert Muschamp
These are the places we remember most vividly, the places where serendipitous things happen, the places we tell stories about.
Submit your Great Public Space today!

Upcoming Events

June 16-17, 2017 | New York City

Oct 11-14, 2017 | Amsterdam

Copyright © 2017 Project for Public Spaces, PPS, All rights reserved.
Project for Public Spaces


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