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Practice in Participation

Practice in Participation ( is a web-based portal that is both a digital resource and a forum to contribute and access field-based knowledge on participatory practices. The portal has been developed as a tool for promotion of participation and empowerment of the hitherto excluded and marginalised citizens of our societies. It focuses on knowledge building, synthesis and creating platforms for exchange of ideas (through documents, case studies, videos and photographs on various themes) among practitioners from the community, grassroots organisations, academia, policy institutions and donor agencies.

Practice in Participation provides virtual spaces to create Communities of Practice (COPs) where members can come together to learn, share, co-create and discuss emerging trends, issues and field-based practices. Members can also participate in Forum Discussions where topical issues derived from current changes across the world vis-à-vis their impact on participatory practitioners will be discussed.

The portal will grow based on the interactions between and participation of its members, and we look forward to your contribution to help develop and energise the platform. We would like the portal to become a joint 'ownership' of practitioners and their support organisations. It should be able to carry forward the materials generated in practice by you and your colleagues. You can get involved by:

  • Making your practice and innovations accessible through the portal (text, audio and video supported);
  • Facilitating a discussion in the forum section;
  • Joining as members of a community of practice and engaging in reflection;
  • Disseminating information about the portal and its use to your networks.

Log on to create your account and member profile and begin participating!

To make your experience useful and friendly, we look forward to your suggestions, comments and feedback at [email protected]

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Best regards

Practice in Participation Team

Attachment: Brochure of PIP

 If you would like to get in touch with Practice in Participation, please write to [email protected]

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