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Quest - Adult Learning Australia (ALA) Member News - December 2016

Welcome to our first issue of Quest for 2019, which gathers stories about the impact of adult learning programs from around Australia. 

In this issue you'll find stories about a successful partnership in Gippsland that is helping unemployed people get work; English language classes in Sydney that are taking a dramatic turn; a popular prison radio show based on successful training; how ALA's new scholarship program is a life-changer, and more. 

In Quest we feature stories about how people develop confidence to take on challenges and overcome disadvantage through adult education. And how the organisations behind these kinds of programs are working to improve the lives of people in their communities through the power of adult learning.

You can also read and share individual stories from our current and past issues of Quest direct from our website.

I hope you enjoy this latest issue.

Feel free to share Quest through your networks and send me any feedback.

Gina Perry

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