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UNESCO Chair in CBR Survey: Strengthening Community-University Research Partnerships

In order to gain an overview of trends and patterns around the world on Community University Research Partnership (CURP) facilitating structures, we have created a multi-lingual survey in cooperation with our regional and global network partners. This project is an initiative of the UNESCO Chair in Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education and is funded in part by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada with significant additional in-kind resources from the University of Victoria, Makerere University, the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, the Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinarios (CEBEM) and a number of regional and global networking organisations including the Living Knowledge Network, Talloires Network, and PASCAL Observatories.

The project aims to:

  1. Develop an understanding of how research partnerships are initiated, supported, and evaluated through a comparative study of different types of institutional arrangements;
  2. Promote awareness of the significance and appropriateness of creating and/or supporting such enabling structures amongst decision-makers in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Global South; and
  3. Mobilize knowledge for practitioner and policy actions in creating appropriate structures in different countries through the identification of best practices and recommendations.


Please visit this link to take the survey:



Your participation in this project is valuable and will contribute to a greater understanding and strengthening of Community-University Research Partnership structures.  We anticipate the survey will take between 15-20 minutes of your time.

We are aiming to capture a wide and diverse audience of people working in Higher Education Institutions, Civil Society Organizations, Funding Agencies and Government.  Please distribute this survey widely through your networks.

We are currently in the process of translating the survey to Spanish, Portuguese and French and will be available soon.

Crystal, Budd and Rajesh

Crystal Tremblay, PhD
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability
The University of British Columbia

Research Coordinator
UNESCO Chair in Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education


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