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UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities Newsletter August - December 2018

In this newsletter – our last of 2018 – we are delighted to report on several developments that demonstrate the growth and dynamism of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC).

Raul Valdes

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
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UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities
Newsletter August - December 2018
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) has just launched a series of video tutorials, available in all UN official languages, which provide insights for policy-makers, city leaders, urban planners and education experts on how to successfully build a learning city. Read more.
Medellín, Colombia’s second-largest city, will host the fourth International Conference on Learning Cities, scheduled to take place next year. More details on the conference will soon be available here.
From the GNLC Team
Africities 8 Summit, Marrakesh: The UNESCO GNLC organized in cooperation with the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) a side event on ‘Learning cities in Africa: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies’. Further information about the summit and the learning city event is available here and here.
New video tutorial on learning cities and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): The UNESCO GNLC has developed together with the Secretariat of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD a video tutorial on how to integrate ESD at local level in learning cities. Read more.
Learning Cities in Action
Brazil: The city of Sorocaba organized a learning city event during a festival in the Carandá district in September in order to inform local residents of the lifelong opportunities available. Read more.
Germany: The city of Gelsenkirchen recently celebrated being a finalist in the national City of the Future 2030+ competition with its concept 'Gelsenkirchen - Learning City'. To help implement its learning city activities, Gelsenkirchen will receive EUR 1.6 million. Read more.
Hungary: The city of Pécs organized a conference entitled 'Learning cities and culture working together' in cooperation with the UNESCO GNLC, the Lifelong Learning Research Centre of the University of Pécs, the MELLeaN-Hungarian Universities LLL Network, and the House of Civic Communities. Experts and practitioners from nine countries who are involved in research and development gathered to discuss global and local trends in building learning cities, focusing in particular on culture and heritage, 'smart cities' and intercultural learning. Read more.
Lithuania: The theme of last year’s Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week, which took place in Kaunas, Lithuania, from 24 to 31 October 2018, was ‘Media and information literate cities: Voices, powers and change makers’. The city of Mayo-Baleo, Cameroon, was invited to share its learning city experiences. Read more.
Ireland: Cork Learning City and Learning Limerick organized a two-day international seminar event, ‘Implementing the Cork Call to Action’. Representatives from Cork and Limerick’s partner learning cities, Bristol and Belfast, were also invited as guest speakers for sharing learning city updates and examples of good practice on developing equitable and inclusive learning. The seminar also presented opportunities for developing partnerships and ongoing collaboration.
Italy: The Education Department of the city of Turin recently hosted its biennial Festival dell’Educazione (Festival of Education). The theme of last year’s festival focused on creative, critical and civic thinking, and was an opportunity for stakeholders involved in education to come together to share their thoughts on emerging issues. Read more.
New GNLC Guidelines Launched
The UNESCO GNLC has released new membership guidelines that took effect as of 1 October 2018. All member cities are now requested to submit a progress report detailing how they are implementing their learning city project. This progress report should be submitted by email to [email protected] using the Progress Report template provided by the UNESCO GNLC Coordination Team. Submission deadline for current members is 31 March 2019.
Please tell us if you have any news and we will be happy to include it in our next newsletter.
Welcoming new Members
The UNESCO GNLC is pleased to welcome Ansan (Republic of Korea), Atlixco (Mexico), Baalbeck (Lebanon), Guayaquil (Ecuador), Inje-gun (Republic of Korea), Pohang (Republic of Korea), Quito (Ecuador), Sasang-gu (Republic of Korea), Seo-gu (Republic of Korea), Seongnam (Republic of Korea), Tougué (Guinea), Wolverhampton (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Yeongwol (Republic of Korea), Yeonsu-gu (Republic of Korea), Yongsan-gu (Republic of Korea), and Zomba (Malawi).
Interesting reads
Global Education Monitoring Report 2019. Read here.
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