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VIRQUAL Newsletter Nº 6 - Virtual Mobility and the European Qualifications Framework

VIRQUAL has fulfilled all activities and tasks that the consortium announced for 2011. The partners of VIRQUAL feel very proud for all the achievements and the high interest received from the audience. Although the attached newsletter is the last produced by the project, we nevertheless hope you enjoy it and distribute it amongst your colleagues.

There is still the possibility to join the social networks created by the project and insert news and information on activities related to Virtual Mobility, Learning Outcomes, e-Assessment, EQF and Recognition of Prior learning. If the stakeholders continues posting news in the project on-line tools then the network will continue updated with information of interest such as forthcoming events. There is no doubt the subjects highlighted by VIRQUAL will become increasingly important for all Higher Education stakeholders as distance education takes a stronger and more important role in our society every day.

VIRQUALnewsletter6_20Dec2011_FINAL.pdf394.57 KB

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