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Weekly Placemaking Round-Up | March 6 - 12, 2017 - Project for Public Spaces

Here is the latest issue this new weekly roundup of news, ideas, opportunities, and more - a curated list of content for placemakers by placemakers - from the Project for Public Spaces.

Project for Public Spaces
February Newsletter
February Newsletter
This Week's Highlights: March 6 - 12, 2017

    • Transit stations don't have to be drab, uninviting stopovers where everyone's waiting impatiently to be taken somewhere else. They can be great public spaces! Through a collaborative public/private effort, Jurong, Singapore has created what some are calling the world’s greatest bus stop—complete with a library, swings, a rooftop garden, artwork, charging stations, and, of course, ample seating for all.

  • In Berlin, plans have been approved to build 13 new bike superhighways along a network of disused railway tracks. With the first two routes slated to begin before year’s end, is the German capital on course to become one of the world’s great cycling cities--on par with Copenhagen or Amsterdam?
More Placemaking Stories & Ideas
Events and Opportunities

Instagram of the Week
Oberammergau, Germany
A small town in the Bavarian Alps where the "Passion Play" is performed by half its residents every ten years. Be sure to check out Fred Kent's Instagram shots at pps_placemaking.
Have something to share? Please send your placemaking stories, news, job openings, grants, awards, calls for proposals, and events to [email protected] today. We'll be sure to give you a tip of the hat.
Copyright © 2017 Project for Public Spaces, PPS, All rights reserved.
Project for Public Spaces


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