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Welcome to the latest edition of Celebrating Learning

For some years, the Brimbank City Council (on the north west fringe of Melbourne, Australia) has adopted a Community Learning Strategy and produces a bi-monthly e-Newsletter "Celebrating Learning", generated out of Library Services to recognise community initiatives for lifelong learning.

Please see the latest edition featured below and also at:

Denise Reghenzani-Kearns PhD, PASCAL Associate


Celebrating Learning Edition 32 - Jun/Jul 2017

Welcome to the 32nd edition of Celebrating Learning, the bimonthly newsletter of the Brimbank Community Learning Strategy 2014-2017.

Highlights of this edition include: a recap of the last Brimbank Schools/Community Agencies Exchange on 'Meaningful Reconciliation'; a look at the Department of Education & Training's latest 'On Track' data and plenty of useful resources, research and events relating to learning.

For ideas, information or feedback, please E: [email protected]

In this issue:
Brimbank Schools Exchange
What's On
'On Track' data

Learning Info & Resources
Brimbank Libraries
Learning Research
Brimbank Schools Exchange
On Thursday 11 May, Brimbank Community Learning & Participation – Learning unit and partners hosted the eighth Brimbank Schools/Community Agencies Exchange, at the Victoria University Convention Centre. The Exchange is a biannual event encouraging local schools and community agencies to network and share partnership opportunities. Over 50 school and community agency staff attended.
The focus for this session was Meaningful Reconciliation: Where to start, why it’s important, local examples and saw a keynote address by Dr Sue Atkinson, Aboriginal early years education consultant, who discussed ‘What Reconciliation means to me; my personal and professional journey’. Dr Atkinson was followed by Director of Copperfields Preschool, Roni Keegel, who discussed her service’s approach to beginning a Reconciliation Action Plan. Download a list of relevant resources from the session here.

Feedback from the session included:

- "Rekindled energy. Reminder to ‘step up’ and have visible acknowledgement of where school is situated"
- "My ignorance on Indigenous culture and history is something I need to take responsibility for – seek to educate myself for betterment of future"
- "Lots of new ideas for me and looking at everything with a ‘everyone has a right to know about aboriginal heritage’ lens" 
The Exchange is an ongoing network planned and delivered in partnership with Brimbank Community Planning, Culture & Development, Best Start, St Albans North Primary School and The Smith Family.

The next Exchange session will be held in October. If you are interested in signing up to the mailing list please E: [email protected]
Participants doing the matchstick exercise, developed by Lisa Thorpe and Chris Twining, about understanding the dept of connection to this land by First Nations peoples.

What's On
2017 State and Federal Budget Forum
The forum will provide an overview of the State and Federal Budgets from Mary Sayers, Deputy CEO of the Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS). Facilitated sessions led by sector/topic experts will enable you to express and record your input into the impact of specific budget measures, and workshop potential policy, advocacy or service delivery responses. The event is free of charge. Download the event flyer here.

Tuesday 20 June, 9am-12noon
Sunshine Convention Centre, Victoria University - 460 Ballarat Road Sunshine
For more information, please E: [email protected]
Youth IT Careers Program - 2017 Course Dates

Youth IT Careers gives young people, who face barriers to education and employment, their first step towards an IT career. The program provides IT training, exposure to the industry and employment opportunities. Download the flyer here.

The program runs 9am- 3pm four days a week, for 10 weeks. Term 3 runs July 17 - September 22 at VU Footscray Nicholson Campus (Nicholson Street, Footscray)

For further information on the program please contact Laura, Tel: Phone: 0417 592 313 / E: [email protected]

South Sudanese Partnership Fund

The Victorian Government is supporting shared community projects under the South Sudanese Partnership Fund. Anyone from Victoria's South Sudanese community can participate. Download the flyer here.

To register your interest or for further information, please contact the Department of Premier and Cabinet, E: [email protected] / Tel: 7017 8159 
CommUnity + Hub Program Guide

CommUnity+ Hub in Deer Park runs a Neighbourhood House program, Adult Education classes, Children’s Contact Service,  and facilities for community groups to hire. Find out more on their website or download a copy of the program guide here.
PARKAS - Parents Accepting Responsibility Kids Are Safe

PARKAS is a two-tiered 8 week program for children and their parent/carer which aims to provide a safe therapeutic space for children to explore, unpack and make sense of their experience of family violence, with the support and assistance of their primary carer. See the program flyer here.
Referrals are now being taken for Term 3. For further information, enquiries, or to request a referral form please contact Tara E: [email protected] or Tel: 0478 302 099


'On Track' Data 2016
On Track is a Victorian Government initiative which surveys school leavers who have completed school in the last six months to track their post school destinations. 44.8% of all Brimbank students who completed school in 2015 participated in this year's survey. 8.4% of those who left before completing school (‘early school leavers’) participated.

A snapshot of Brimbank students who completed Year 12 or equivalent in 2015:
85.9% are in further education or training, compared to 76.8% Victorian average
56.0% are enrolled in university, compared to 54.2% in Victoria. This is up from 52.4% in 2015
20.6% are enrolled in certificates or diplomas, compared to 14.6% in Victoria
9.9% are employed, compared to 17.7% in Victoria. This is down from 11.8% in 2014
RMIT continues to be the leading campus-based institution for Brimbank school leavers

A snapshot of Brimbank students who left in 2015 before completing Year 12 or equivalent:
30.3% are enrolled in apprenticeships or traineeships, compared to 29.6% in Victoria
18.2% are employed, compared to 24.0% in Victoria. This is down from 27.8% in 2015
30.3% are looking for work, compared to 15.9% in Victoria, up from 22.8% in 2015

Visit the On Track website to read the full Brimbank report.

* Not in the labour force, employment or training
Learning Info & Resources
Navigating the Victorian Education System

Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) have developed a resource to assist newly arrived young people and their families to understand the Victorian education system. The resource, Navigating the Victorian Education System, is an interactive guide with information on types of schools, curriculum and educational pathways. It is designed to increase understanding of educational pathways and help young people and their families in decision making about schooling and careers.
'Quality Schools' funding reforms estimator 

The new
Federal Government estimator is an online calculator that enables parents and schools to assess how planned funding changes, under the federal government's Quality Schools 
reforms, will affect their school. 
'Walk With Us' Video Resource

This 'Walk with Us' video resource was released by Inner North West PCP in partnership with Health West Partnership, North East PCP and Hume Whittlesea PCP. The resource encourages organisations to enhance their capacity  to provide high quality, culturally responsive and respectful services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community.  Watch the video here.
Conference Call for Papers - Turning Learning Upside Down: Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom, 23-34 November 2017

The Public Pedagogies Institute is  inviting a range of submissions – informal presentations, academic papers, workshops, screenings – to participate in two days of ideas-sharing and networking. Submissions of no more than 300 words will be accepted up until Friday 25 August. All submissions should be accompanied by an up to 100 word biographical note.

For more information, please E: [email protected] for more information or to make a submission. The Call for Papers is now online.
Beginning a Life in Australia

The Beginning a Life in Australia (BaLIA) booklet provides helpful settlement information and links to other websites and resources for newly arrived migrants, humanitarian entrants, and their sponsors and service providers.

Brimbank Libraries
Diversity through the Lens
This exhibition presents photos by Brimbank community members wthat capture the city’s human and geographic identity. The photographers are newly arrived in Australia and come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Sydenham: Mon 22 May - Tues 27 Jun

Cher Chidzey Author Talk
Cher Chidzey migrated to Australia from Singapore in 1975 and knows deeply about the migrant experience. Her novel  'Ken's Quest’ examines the intercultural relationships and challenges that occur in the life of a Chinese man on a working holiday visa.
Deer Park: Thurs 22 June, 11.30am
Refugee Themed Storytimes
Join us for a special reading of the book ‘Teacup’ during regular Preschool Storytime sessions.
All sessions start at 10.30am

Deer Park: Wednesday 21 and Friday 23 June
Keilor: Wednesday 21 June
St Albans: Monday 19 June
Sunshine: Wednesday 21 June
Sydenham: Friday 23 June

For more information on Refugee Week at Brimbank Libraries, please visit the Brimbank Libraries website.
Maths Homework Help at Sunshine Library

Drop in maths homework help, covering all secondary school maths subjects, including all three VCE subjects.
Wednesdays, 4-6pm at Sunshine Library - 301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine.

See the full listing of homework clubs in Brimbank on the online
Learning Hub.

Learning Research 

All educators and families can work together to improve student outcomes

ARACY’s new report, Parent engagement in communities with low socioeconomic status: findings from Researching Parent Engagement: A qualitative field study, outlines how parent engagement is critical to support children’s learning and how successful education can break the cycle of poverty for children and young people.

Engaging the future of STEM


This research reports on key findings from an international investigation into what others are doing around the world in OECD countries to engage young people, particularly girls, in STEM.

The changing nature of apprenticeships: 1996-2016

This research summary and infographic provides evidence of the changing nature of apprenticeships over a twenty year period (1996—2016), with a focus on a comparison of trade and non-trade apprentices and trainees. 

Improving Aboriginal kids’ learning outcomes

ARACY’s new research summary report, Enhancing parent engagement to help close the gap in high Aboriginal enrolment schools, on the perspectives of families and educators in high Aboriginal enrolment schools identifies how communities can collaborate to improve student outcomes. 

Underemployment: a quick guide

This guide provides a brief overview of underemployment, an introduction to the key concepts and terminology, and lists relevant data sources. This is one in a series of quick guides, designed to provide a basic understanding of Australian labour market data.

PISA 2015 Results


This report analyses for the first time students’ motivation to perform well in school, their relationships with peers and teachers, their home life, and how they spend their time outside of school. The findings are based on a survey of 540,000 students in 72 participating countries and economies who also completed the main OECD PISA 2015 test on science, mathematics and reading.

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