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Wellcome kick-starts global health projects

The Wellcome Trust has invested £5 million to support pilot research projects on the future of human health.

The Sustaining Health call's aim is to support projects investigating how to meet the world’s "present and future ecological and societal needs in a sustainable and economically viable way", an 11 July statement says.

Researchers can apply for up to £250,000 to kick-start a two-year project in behavioural change, global nutrition, health impacts of climate change and ecological public health.

They will also look at the impact of the behaviour of individuals and societies, with the aim of developing new ways to mitigate risks to human health.

Possible research topics include urbanisation and undernutrition, and the Wellcome Trust asks for projects that will build interdisciplinary research capacity and those that make good use of data. It is hoped they will then be eligible to seek further funding from the trust’s larger funding programmes.


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