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World Economic Forum: Migration and Its Impact on Cities report

The World Economic Forum Migration and Its Impact on Cities report was released at 10.00am CEST this morning. The report provides a deep dive on migration and cities, exploring the types, causes and patterns of migration, the most affected corridors and cities, the impact on urban infrastructure and services, the solutions that can be employed and how cities can seek to future proof themselves to address this growing challenge.

The report captures the mitigation stories from 22 of the most affected cities around the world, including from North America (Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, New York and Boston), Latin America (Sao Paulo and Medellin), Middle East and North Africa (Dubai, Amman, Ramallah), Sub Saharan Africa (Cape Town and Dakar), Asia (Pune, Surat, Guangzhou and Davao City), Europe (Berlin, Athens, Paris, Amsterdam and Rotterdam) and Oceania (Auckland). The report also presents a high level framework to achieve long term migrant integration and in delivering urban infrastructure and services efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of migrants.

Highlights of the report are featured below and attached...

To facilitate dissemination, I am providing:

Check out @wef #CitiesMigration report on the impact of migration to #cities  #wef #migration

Check out @wef #CitiesMigration report on the impact of migration to #cities  #wef #migration

·Link to a Blog written by my colleague Dilip Guna and I entitled ‘We need to get better at integrating migrants into our cities.
Here’s how’:

·Link to Blog by our media team entitled ‘5 charts that show how migration is changing the world’s cities’:

Thank you very much.

Best Regards


Alice Charles

Lead, Cities
World Economic Forum
Route de la Capite 91 – 93
1123 Cologny


migration_report.pdf3.18 MB

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