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Xploit Project Mission Statement and NEWSletter June 2011

After a decade of developing lifelong learning initiatives and projects, the European Commission launched new actions in 2008 and 2009 focusing on the exploitation of available European lifelong learning resources.

The idea was to promote cooperation projects not developing new learning approaches, but developing sustainable platforms for exploitation and valorisation of existing resources, being produced within the lifelong learning actions or elsewhere.

An important element in this exploitation strategy was, and still is, to establish infrastructures of communication and collaboration in the communities capable of capturing, implementing and mainstreaming such resources.

The 3 year Xploit project is addressing this challenge at systematic level, including a meta-dimension that monitors and describes how such infrastructures are built and maintained...

Further details may befound at the Xploit website.

Full project mission below; NEWSletter for June 2011 attached...

The Xploit mission.pdf373.16 KB
Xploit NEWS 1 June 2011.pdf145.06 KB

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