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Universities' Third Mission

Creative Universities and their Creative City-regions

Abstract: Salford University led and coordinated a thematic network known as C5U, which involved a consortium of seven European universities. This was part of a European University Association (EUA)/Socrates programme of work known as ‘Creativity in Higher Education’. The aim was to understand how universities were increasingly seeking to be creative in their relationships with their cities and regions...

Includes PASCAL TV video presentation and PASCAL online PDF

PUMR UPBEAT Case Studies

PUMR development was initially the result of several linked research and development projects aimed at improving University Reach out, or what we call Academic Enterprise, to local businesses and communities. The evaluator approach which helped the monitoring and support of the Academic Enterprise project is known as UPBEAT – the University Partnership for Benchmarking Enterprise and Associated Technologies project – and lead to the write up of Full Case Studies of best practices in universities forming successful  and innovative relationship with regions and cities.

UPBEAT has been improved as the result of developments by the PASCAL International Observatory and is now known as PUMR UPBEAT and it is this benchmarking tool used in the assessment of Universities for a Modern Renaissance and to help those aspiring to this title to continuously self-evaluate themselves with a view of becoming more academically enterprising


Featured here are case study report materials from the PUMR UPBEAT programme:

These case studies feature best practice from colleagues already involved in successful projects. Each case study consists of a summary page, project description and performance matrix.

The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities

Almost exactly two years after the PASCAL annual conference on the 'third mission' of universities, held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, UBC's Vice President for legal and external affairs and community relations hosted a book launching ceremony and reception for approximately 65 persons, including the Dean of Education and representatives of several other universities and civic institutions  in the Lower Mainland.

Stephen Whalley

Stephen Whalley

About the Outreach

Westmark brings all The University of Westminsters applied research and its Knowledge strategy together into one place to avoid silos of reach out, research or applied research, and co ordinate its out reach activity.

About Stephen Whalley

Stephen was leader of Lambeth council where he became convinced that a university might be able to make and to actually work with the idea of knowledge, and knowledge itself being a commodity and its use by people was a great way of growing economies and helping people to feel confident about themselves .


Dr Allan McNaught

Dr Allan McNaught

About the Outreach

The University of Greenwich works with the University of Washington, Seattle to develop joint research, joint teaching and a faulty and student exchange scheme. The whole idea of the project is to facilitate cross national research, training and development.

About Dr Allan McNaught

Allan began his career in the NHS General Management Scheme then worked as a senior manager and planner and more recently in international health care consultancy. His interests include the health promotion, racial inequality in health care and the corporatisation in the NHS and cross sectoral and cross national/cultural transfer of health policy and management models.


Professor Angela Clow

Professor Angela Clow

About the Outreach

The west Focus project is an initiative that brings together seven universities from across the south west of London. Based in Kingston University, it is one of 22 centres for knowledge exchange in the UK. It aims to foster communities of best practice in areas of academic strength and to help businesses to access university resources and expertise, including students, graduates, alumni and staff. If you would like to know more about the project, please follow this link.

About Professor Angela Clow

Angela is the academic lead for the health network where we set about to help improve the health and flourishing and wellbeing of local communities in our area particularly active aging, people in the workplace and young people.


Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson

About the Outreach

Brian is currently supervising vjlab which was set up in late 2006 by the School of Arts & Media to be a centre for research, development and innovation in design. Brian has recently been involved with the virtual world of Second Life. Brian says, ‘Its aim is to be an enterprise-led research facility capable of engaging with the global economy. As well as developing knowledge-based products, d|lab is a conduit to the business world to put the results into the marketplace.

About Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson, Associate Dean (Enterprise) School of Arts & Media at the University of Teesside and Director of d|lab the Centre for Design and Innovation has a background in industrial design. “A university is a perfect place to combine a knowledge resource in the economy and break into new marketplaces at a global level.”


Janice Webster

Janice Webster

About the Outreach

The University of Teesside wants is ensuring that its academic excellence is converted into business creation and growth for the benefit of the local and regional economies. DigitalCity is a regeneration project set up in 2003, supporting new and growing businesses in digital media and technology, building upon all the potential at  the University of Teeside in Games Animation, Design and in some of the Science and Technical subjects. If you would like more information about the project, please follow this link.

About Janice Webster

Janice has been Project Director for Digital City since its inceptionbut now has a new role as an Eneterprise Consultant working on “Dice”, an inclusion project looking at the way new technologies can engage young people who aren’t already involved in employment and training. “I think the University of Teesside is a modern renaissance in the north east and certainly through that establishment of the Department of Academic Enterprise, its been able to work out how it would make a difference in its own region”.  and is able to attract some of the best graduates.”


Karen Clegg

Karen Clegg

About the Outreach

Details coming soon.

About Karen Clegg

Karen is The Deputy Director of the Academic Enterprise Department at the University of Teesside responsible for operational management.. Karen feels her role is to ensure the quality of the departments activities and to make it easy for academics to undertake reach out activity.

Nigel Mellors

Nigel Mellors

About the Outreach

Virtual Environment Technology is recognised as an emerging advanced technology with high growth prospects for the economy. A key benefit of using VETS technology is to reduce lead-time for new products and improve the quality of design. The project will offer services to support commercialisation and increase take-up of the technology (and better exploit the various funding mechanisms such as TCS, SMART) thereby enhance competitiveness, support spin out companies and product development.

About Nigel Mellors

Nigel Mellors is the Associate Dean for Enterprise within the Faculty of Science, Engineering and the Environment at the University of Salford. His principle role is to develop a culture of innovation and enterprise across the Faculty. He research interests include the development of novel magnetic materials and renewable energy technologies.


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