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Universities' Third Mission

P04-01 Nigel Lockett - Leadership

Nigel Lockett - Leadership

P03-01 Nigel Lockett - Governance

Nigel Lockett - Governance

P02-01 Nigel Lockett - Management

Nigel Lockett - Management

P01-01 Nigel Lockett - Projects

Nigel Lockett - Projects

UPBEAT Video Vignettes

PUMR development was initially the result of several linked research and development projects aimed at improving University Reach out, or what we call Academic Enterprise, to local businesses and communities. The evaluator approach which helped the monitoring and support of the Academic Enterprise project is known as UPBEAT – the University Partnership for Benchmarking Enterprise and Associated Technologies project – and lead to the write up of Full Case Studies of best practices in universities forming successful  and innovative relationship with regions and cities.


Featured here are video materials from the PUMR UPBEAT programme:

These video vignettes feature best practice from colleagues already involved in successful projects. The vignettes begin with a short description of the enterprise project and then explore the importance of three key human characteristics essential to any successful outreach project: Leadership; Management and Governance. The contributors then offer personal anecdotes that you might find useful.

0.7 Explore

0.7 Explore

0.6 Governance

0.6 Governance

0.5 Leadership & Management

0.5 Leadership & Management

0.4 Management

0.4 Management

0.3 Leadership

0.3 Leadership


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