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Universities' Third Mission

Global Community University Networks - Call for Increased North-­South Cooperation

A brief report on our Big Tent global audio-video conversation.  Please post this on your web-sites and distribute as appropriate. Thanks to Nirmala Lall  from GACER and Alison Peacock from the Institute of Education for their work on this. Thanks to all of you again for making this first experiment so productive.

Engage 2010 - The engaged university – embracing change

Dec 7 2010 00:00
Dec 8 2010 00:00
Church House, Conference Centre Westminster
Dean's Yard, Westminster
City of London
United Kingdom

Public engagement can transform the ways universities behave and how they are perceived and valued. Join us at Engage 2010 to find out why engaging with the public is a critical survival strategy for the 21st century university, and how different institutions are rising to the challenge.

Booking is now open for this event

The conference will take place on:

7th December 2010 - 9.45am - 17.00pm

8th December 2010 - 9.30am - 16.45pm

New Book from NIACE - The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities

Pat Inman and Hans Schuetze have just had a new title released through NIACE - The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities:

OECD Report on Higher Education Meetings - Paris, September 2010

IMHE Biennial Conference 13-15 September 2010 – Higher Education in a World Changed Utterly Doing More with Less

OECD Round Table on Higher Education in Regional and City Development 15-16 September 2010


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