Barry Hake
User Profile
- Associate Professor, Centre for Learning in Organizations, School of Education, Faculty Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University, Netherlands.
- Managing director of Eurolearn, consultancy for research, advice, training, and translations.
- Historical and comparative studies of adult education and adult learning;
- Policy analysis of lifelong learning policies; participation in adult learning;
- Life course perspectives on adult learning;
- Financing of lifelong learning;
- Older workers and lifelong learning;
- Political economy of lifelong learning;
- Learners’ biographies and learning trajectories
Recent research/consultancy:
- 2005-2006: Tender research on Local Learning Centre and Local Strategic Partnerships (European Commission)
- 2006-2007: Tender research on Training of Adult Educators in General Adult Education and Non-formal Vocational Adult Education (EC).
- 2006-2007 Diverse commissions to write chapters for books for CEDEFOP, International Encyclopaedia for Education, UNESCO International Institute for Education.
Recognitions, positions, memberships:
- Secretary of European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA).
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- 14 years 32 weeks
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