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Darlene Clover

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I am a Canadian citizen, living in Canada (although currently on sabbatical in London). I am currently an Associate Professor in Leadership Studies at the University of Victoria. My areas of research are adult education and community development, museums, libraries and galleries as key learning/education sites, community cultural leadership, and women and leadership.  I would work on research projects, make presentations and contribute book and/or journal chapters.


Qualitative research, arts-based research, participatory research. Key themes are adult education, cultural institutions, the arts and women’s issues.

Recent research/consultancy: 

2015    SSHRC - An exploration of formal and nonformal education and training programmes for librarians in Canada    

2014    SSHRC  - Public art galleries and museums as agents of change: Understanding and enhancing education and training for transformation in cultural institutions in Canada and the United Kingdom (Principle Investigator)

2014    Internal Research Grant (IRG)A feminist cross-national study of formal and nonformal training and development for art gallery and museum adult educators in Canada and the UK

2010 Internal Research Grant – Public Libraries as Sites of Adult Education (Co-Applicant)

2009 SSHRC (International Opportunities Fund) – An International Study of Contemporary Adult Non-formal Educational Practices in Arts and Culture Institutions in Canada and Europe  (Principal Investigator)

2009  Internal Research Grant - An Exploration of Contemporary Lifelong Learning Practices in Arts Institutions in Canada and the United Kingdom (Principal Applicant)                                          

2009 Collaborative Faculty Incentive Grants, York University –  Ending Homelessness: “What Works and for Whom?”       A Knowledge Mobilization Partnership (Co-Investigator)                   

2008 Shastri Indo Canadian Institute - Women’s Nonformal Political Education and Learning in Canada and India: An International Study to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (Principal Investigator)                                 

2008 SSHRC - Teacher Education Beyond the Classroom Walls:Supporting Learning in Community Places and Spaces (Co-Investigator)                                                                            

2007 SSHRC (International Opportunities Fund) – An  Exploration of Women’s Nonformal Political Education              And Learning in Canada and India                                                    

2007 SSHRC (UVic Internal) - Beyond the Classroom Walls: A Mapping Project in Support of Pre-service Civic and Social Learning for Teacher Education Students, (Applicant)                                           

2006 Adult Learning Knowledge Centre/Canadian Council for Learning - Street-Life’s Creative Turn: Knowledge Mobilisation and Dissemination of Community Arts-Based Learning For Homeless/Street-Involved Women in Victoria, B.C. (Principal Investigator)

Recognitions, positions, memberships: 

I was the International Coordinator of the Learning for Environmental Action Programme of the International Council for five years. I have also been the editor of newsletters and journals. I have been President of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, the Canadian Association for Women and Education. I am current board member of the British Columbia Arts Council and the Victoria Women’s Shelter. I am also a Board Member of the Catherine Donnelly Foundation in Toronto. In this capacity, I am Chair of the Adult Education Sub-committee and Co-chair of the Human Resources Committee. We are considered a ‘working board’ and I am currently undertaking two studies for the foundation.

I have also produced papers for UNESCO and the OECD on environmental adult education.

Selected publications: 


Clover, D.E., Butterwick, S., & Collins, L. (Eds.) (2015). Women in adult education and leadership in Canada. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.

Clover, D.E., Sanford, K. & Butterwick, S. (Eds.) (2013). Aesthetic practice and adult education. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Taylor & Francis.

Clover, D.E. & Sanford, K. (Eds.) (2013).Lifelong learning, the arts, and creative cultural engagement in the contemporary university: International perspectives. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Clover, D.E., Jayme, B., Hall, B.L. & Follen, S. (2012). The nature of transformation: Environmental adult education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishing.

Hall, B.L., Clover, D.E., Crowther, J. & Scrandetti, E. (Eds.) (2012). Learning and education for a better world: The role of social movements. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Journal Articles

Clover, D.E. (2015). Feminist and gender theories in adult education. LLineE Journal, 5,

Clover, D.E. (2015). Gender mainstreaming, women and politics: A case for feminist adult education. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 27(2), 1-15.

Clover, D.E. (2015). Adult education for social and environmental change in contemporary public art galleries and museums in Canada, Scotland and England. International Journal of Lifelong Education (1-16),

Clover, D.E. & Dogus, F. (2014). In case of emergency, break convention: A case study of a Human Library project in an art gallery. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 26(3), 75-91.

Hall, B.L. & Clover, D.E. (2014). Imagine learning: Thoughts from two adult educators. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 26(2), 1-8.

 Clover, D.E. (2013). Educación de personas adultas en los museos públicos: Una exploración del campo. Revista Cuestiones Pedagógicas, 22, 169-180.

Clover, D.E. (2013). The art of environmental adult education: Creative responses to a contemporary ecological imperative. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 2, 53-64.

Clover, D.E., Bell, L. (2013). Contemporary adult education philosophies and practices in art galleries and museums in Canada and the UK. Adult Learner: Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, 1 (1), 29-43.

Clover, D.E. & McGregor, C. (2012). Women politicians and adult education and learning in British Columbia, Canadian Journal for Adult Education, 25(1), 1-14.

Sheehan, L., & Clover, D.E. (2012). An exploration of the learning, knowledge and education of women unpaid health caregivers in Newfoundland and Labrador. Rhizoma Freriano, 13, 3-19.

Clover, D.E., & McGregor, C. (2011). A feminist case study of women’s non-formal political education in Canada. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 30(6), 733-748.


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