Garnet Grosjean
User Profile
- Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer, Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education & Training (CHET), and Lecturer, Department of educational Studies, University of British Columbia
- Coordinator Intercontinental Masters of Education in Adult Learning and Global Change
- Academic Coordinator, Doctor of Education program in Leadership and Policy.
Online and distance learning environments
Lifelong and Lifewide Learning
Policy issues and outcomes of Higher Education
The social organisation of learning
Experiential learning, work-integrated learning;
Higher education (HE), work, and learning in the changing economy
Leadership and training;
Role of the university in preparing the labour force;
Recent research/consultancy:
- Led consulting contracts between CHET and Canadian government agencies such as the Humanities and Social Science Federation of Canada, Human Resources Development Canada, and the Ministry of Advanced Education and Training, Province of British Columbia
- Founding partner of Wordsworth Gage Associates, a public policy and third sector research firm with offices in Canada and the USA - consultancy work in Africa, Canada, China, Norway, Sweden and the USA.
Selected publications:
- Grosjean, G. & Sork, T.J (2007) “Going Online: Uploading Learning to the Virtual Classroom.” In Conceicão, S. (Ed) New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education: Teaching Strategies in the Online Environment. Jossey Bass: San Francisco. Pp. 13-24.
- Grosjean, G. (2006) “Cooperative Education: Learning to Work—Working to Learn, and Trying to Make Sense of It All.” In Liv Mjelde & Richard Daly (Eds). Studies in vocational and continuing education, Vol. 3: Working Knowledge in a Globalizing World. Peter Lang AG: Bern. pp.83-104.
- Grosjean, G. (2005). “Co-op Education: Access to Benefits or Benefits to Access?” In Lesley Andres and Finola Findlay (Eds.) Student Affairs: Experiences in and through Canadian Post-secondary Education. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. pp. 144-170.
- Grosjean, G. (2005). “La formation en alterance dans l’enseignment supérieur Canadien.” In Corinne Hahn, Madeleine Besson, Béatrice Collin & André Geay (Eds.). L’anternance dans L’enseignement Supérieur: Enjeux et perspectives. L’Harmattan: Paris. pp. 2223-240.
- Grosjean, G. (2004) “Co-op Education: Continuous Contextualized Learning.” In Patricia Linn, Adam Howard and Eric Miller (Eds.) Handbook for Research in Cooperative Education and Internships. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. pp. 31-52.
- Grosjean G. (2004). “Co-op education: Tensions and Outcomes of Experiential Learning.” In Jane Gaskell and Kjell Rubenson (Eds.) Educational Outcomes for the Canadian Workplace: New frameworks for Policy and Research. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 204-220.
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