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Ilpo Laitinen

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User Profile

Director of Administration (Helsinki City Construction & Technical Services)
City of Helsinki

Arranged the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa to join Pure-project. Member of the Regional Coordination Group. Was a member of a review team for Northern Illinois (US). Have subsequently been invited to make presentations within the Universitas 21 group of research-intensive universities in Melbourne and at the UBC in Vancouver.


Administrative sciences, New public management and leadership, General management, Complexity & change management and strategic management, Collaboration and network management

Policy analysis, qualitative methods, evaluation

Recent research/consultancy: 
Recognitions, positions, memberships: 
  • Oxford Leadership Program, Major challenges in transport, mobility, urban mobility and urban design, 72 CPD by TSU, University of Oxford,
  • Associate Director, PASCAL International Observatory (2014 onwards)
  • Board Member of City of Jarvenpaa’s (home city) social and health care services committee (from y. 2005) (
Selected publications: 
  • Stenvall, J., & Laitinen, I. (2015). Higher education engagement and innovation dynamics: Comparative study of regional innovative networks of the city of Helsinki and the city of Chicago. In C. Carlot, J.-M. Filloque, M. Osborne & P. Welsh (Eds.), The Role of Higher Education in Regional and Community Development and in the Time of Economic Crisis: NIACE.
  • Stenvall, J, Laitinen, I & Nyholm, I. (2014), Complex relational dynamics in public sector reforms: the case of municipal mergers in Finland, Newsletter of the Institute of Public Governance and Management.
  • Laitinen, Ilpo - Syväjärvi, Antti – Stenvall, Jari – Harisalo, Risto, Information management as function of data mining and ict in city government, EGPA 2001, SG1, Research in Progress paper, Helsinki 2010.
  • Ilpo Laitinen (ed.), Existing knowledge in use, (In Finnish,) City of Helsinki –publications, Helsinki 2010.
  • Ilpo Laitinen Evidence Based Management, (In Finnish,) Acta nr 216, The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Helsinki 2009.
  • Ilpo Laitinen – Jari Stenvall – Timo Aarrevaara – Antti Syväjärvi, The final evaluation of the Paras project of Paijat-Hame –region for restructuring municipalities and services, Regional Council of Paijät-Hame, Lahti 2009.
  • Ilpo Laitinen Authentic Evaluation Ethics, (In Finnish,)  Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis nr 133, Rovaniemi 2008.
  • Ilpo Laitinen Fitting the Glass Shoe: Ethical standards and evaluation;
    Measuring Success: Evaluation Tools for Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-making, OECD - GOV/PGC (2004) 9, 07 April 2004
  • Ilpo LaitinenPetri Virtanen Beyond Evaluation Standards?, European Journal of Spatial Development, Refereed Articles, Oct 2004 no 13


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14 years 8 weeks
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