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Indra Odina

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User Profile

  • Since 2013      Director of Professional Master’s Program “Teacher” at University of Latvia
  • Since 2012      Head of Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, University of Latvia
  • Since 2010      Associate Professor, Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, University of Latvia
  • Since 1998      Director of  Latvian Association for Cooperation in Education (LACE)
  • Since 2002      Mentor trainer 
  • Since 2010      British Council e-Moderator 
  • Teacher education and professional development programs, teacher's professional identity and pedagogical mastery, teacher’s competence, mentor and mentor trainer professional development.
    • Adult education, quality of higher education and learning process in higher education.
    • Development cooperation, glocalization methodology, nultilingual and multicultural education.
    • Interactive learning and teaching methods (cooperative learning; content and language integrated learning); EFL methodology; ESP methodology.
    • Qualitative research methods; International Students’ Research Conferences; International Research Weeks for Professors. 
Recent research/consultancy: 
  • since 2012       IntlUni Erasmus Academic Network project “The Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Space”. Nr. 526646-LLP-1-2012-1-DK-ERASMUS-ENW
  • since 2012       Tempus project “DIMTEGU-Development and Introduction of Multilingual Teacher Education Programs at Universities of Georgia and Ukraine” No. 530360-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-GE-TEMPUS-JPCR
  • 2010 – 2013    UL and ESF project “Innovative and practice-based teacher education and professional development of mentors”No. 2010/0096/1DP/, UL No. ESS2010/95
  • 2009 – 2012    UL and ESF project “The Development of Language and Professional Competence of Vocational Education EFL Teachers”. No. 2009/0274/1DP/
  • 2009–2011      Erasmus project “Building European Identity Through Spirit, Sense and Meaning (BEAM)” Nr. LLP/AT – 230/29/08
  • 2009                SFL project 2009-035-0 „LAPSA 10th International Conference Cooperation for Sustainable Education: Management, Research, Practice and Theory”
  • 2008 – 2010    Project „Capacity Building for Sustainable Education Association”No. 2008.NVOF2.3./6-9
  • 2008 – 2009    Life Long learning Programme project “Mentors Activate European Language Portfolio Through Multimedia (ActivELP)” No. 135454-LLP-1-2007-1-LV-KA2-KA2MP
  • 2007 – 2008    European Commission Socrates Program project “Pascal European Network of Lifelong Learning Regions (PENR3L)”
  • 2006 – 2007    CIMERA, “Multilingual Education in Georgia”
  • 2006                European Social Fund „MITS (Mentoring, IT, Supervision) – the support to students’ teaching practice in pre-service teacher education program”. No. VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/
  • 2006                MOES and European Council project “Mentors in Classrooms”. No. CoE2006-21.0
  • 2003 – 2006    Comenius “MenTTime Project (Mentoring for Trainee Teachers of Foreign languages: Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation”. No. 106353-CP-1-2002-1-UK-COMENIUS-C21
  • 2002 – 2005    British Council and MOES project “PRESETT PARTNERSHIP: Towards a Coherent and Effective Partnership Between Universities and Schools in Pre-service Teacher Education”.
  • 2002–2004      European Centre for Modern Languages Project “The Status of Language Educators”, Graz, Austria
Recognitions, positions, memberships: 


  • since 1996       a member of the Latvian Association of Teachers of English
  • since 1998       a director of the Latvian Association of University Lecturers for Cooperation in Education (LAPSA) /       Latvian Association for Cooperation in Education (LACE)
  • since  2002      a member of IASCE (International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education)
  • since 2004       a member of IATEFL
  • since 2007       a member of Latvian NGDO Platform "Lapas"


  • 2000 – 2010    an expert of European Centre for Modern Languages, Graz, Austria
  • 2001 – 2004    a data collector for educational studies, American Institutes for Research
  • 2002                the European Label on Language Acquisition for the organization of 1st International Students’ Research Conference
  • since 2008 –   an associate researcher of Pascal Observatory
  • since 2013       Leading Researcher in Adult Education of the University of Latvia
  • 2006.               MOES and European Commission award European Teacher of Languages
  • 2012                Microsoft Partners in Learning award on contribution to the educat
  • 2000 – 2010    an expert of European Centre for Modern Languages, Graz, Austria
  • 2001 – 2004    a data collector for educational studies, American Institutes for Research
  • 2002                the European Label on Language Acquisition for the organization of 1st International Students’ Research Conference
  • 2008 – 2012    an associate researcher of Pascal Observatory
  • since 2013       Leading Researcher in Adult Education of the University of Latvia
  • 2006.               MOES and European Commission award European Teacher of Languages
  • 2012                Microsoft Partners in Learning award on contribution to the education and development of novice teachers’ IT skills.
  • 2014                Vilaka community award on the contribution to the student and teacher education in Vilaka region.
  • ion and development of novice teachers’ IT skills.
  • 2014                Vilaka community award on the contribution to the student and teacher education in Vilaka region.
Selected publications: 
  • Odina, I., Stavicka, A. (2014). Initiatives Towards the Development of an International Learning Space in the Context of Internationalization of Higher Education in Latvia. Starptautiskas mācību telpas izveides iniciatīvas Latvijas augstākās izglītības internacionalizācijas kontekstā. // In: Rabensteiner, P. M., Rabensteiner, G. Internationalization in Teacher Education. Volume 1. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmgH. pp.105. – 133.     
  •  Odina, I. (2014). Internationalization at Home: Enhancing the International Dimension in Teacher Education Programmes for Everyone among Students and Staff. Internacionalizācija mājās: starptautiskās dimensijas veicināšanai skolotāju izglītības programmās studentiem un personālam. // In: Rabensteiner, P. M., Rabensteiner, G. Internationalization in Teacher Education. Volume 2. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmgH. pp.193. – 213.   
  •  Mikelsone, I., Odina, I., & Grigule, L. (2014). Conceptualizing the Understanding of Professional Identity in Teacher’s Career. .// In: European Scientific Journal10(10). pp. 238. – 249. ISSN: 1857 – 7881(Print) ISSN: 1857 - 7431 (Online) ESJ`s Index Copernicus Impact Factor, ICV 2013 = 8.25
  •  Odina, I., Mikelsone, I., Belousa, I., & Grigule, L. (2014). Implementation Steppingstones Within Sustainability Oriented Master Study Program for Teachers.// In: European Scientific Journal, 9(10). pp. 430. – 442. ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) ISSN: 1857 - 7431 (Online) ESJ`s Index Copernicus Impact Factor, ICV 2013 = 8.25
  •  Odina, I., Mikelsone, I., & Grigule, L. (2013). The Transition to Achievable and Measurable Learning Outcomes in Designing Master’s Study Program in Teacher Education. // In: International Journal of Multilingual Education, 2013 (1), pp. 79. – 99.  Publisher: "Center for Civil Integration and Inter-Ethnic Relations"
  • Odina, I., Kuzmane, L. (2013). Student Mobility to Foster the European Dimension in Teacher Education. Studentu mobilitāte Eiropas dimensijas veicināšanai skolotāju izglītībā. // In: Rabensteiner, P. M., Ropo, E. European Dimension in Education and Teaching. Volume 7. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmgH. pp.71. – 101. ISBN:978-3-8340-1177-0 
  •  Stavicka, A. Odina, I., Doroshenko, E. (2013). Terminology Development in the Field of Education in the Context of Common European Education Space// In: The Perspectives of Pedagogy: Innovative Solutions. University of Latvia & Universitat Leipzig. pp. 138 – 144. ISBN 978-9984-45-685-0
  •  Odiņa, I. (2013). „Prakses un diplomdarba modulis”// In: Inovācijas skolotāju izglītībā 21. gadsimtā. Studiju programma „Skolotājs”. © Latvijas Universitāte 187. – 204.pp.ISBN 978-9984-45-752-9
  •  Doroshenko, E., Odina, I., Stavicka, A. (2012). Terminological Aspect in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Teacher Education for Vocational Schools// In: Conference Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe Teachers’ Life-cycle from Initial Teacher Education to Experienced Professional. pp. 639 -647. Association for Teacher Education in Europe, ATEE aisbl, Rue Hobbema 67, B, 1000 Brussels, Belgium ISBN:9789081563932
  •  Odina, I., Doroshenko, Y., Stavicka, A. (2011). Language Planning and Proficiency in the Field of ICT – the Case of Latvia.// In: Hermenia. Journal of Hermeneutics, Art Theory and Criticism. Nr. 11/2011, pp. 88. – 97. ISSN: 1453-9047
  •  Mikelsone, I., Odina, I. (2011). In-service Courses as a Means for Regenerating Teachers’ Community.// In: Pedagoģija: teorija un prakse VI: Izglītība un pilsoniskā sabiedrība. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. Liepaja: LiePA, 2011, 488. – 498.pp. ISSN: 1407-9143
  •  Odina, I. (2010). The Payoffs and Pitfalls of Developing a Mentoring System in Education in Latvia.// In: In: Loos, J. – C. Collection Explorations pédagogiques. Mentoring Newly-Qualified Teachers. Belgium: E.M.E. &InterCommunications, Cortil-Wodon EME. 175. – 191.pp.
  •  Odiņa, I., et al. (2009). ActivELP Mentoring Guidelines. Riga. 50 pp.
  •  Odina, I. (2008). Mentoring Courses in Enhancing Quality of Teacher Pre-service and In-service Education. Slovenia., 10 pp.
  •  Mikelsone, I, Odina, I. (2007). Social Inclusion: Problems and Solutions in Teacher Education in Latvia.// In: Identities in a Blending World. LLinE, KVS Foundation Vol. XII, Issue 2, pp.108. – 115.
  • Odiņa, I. (2007). University-School Partnership Model in Foreign Language Teacher Education. // In: New Trends in Higher Education. Georgia: International Black Sea University. , 9 pp. 


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