John Fien
User Profile

Professor of Sustainability
- Community engagement for sustainable communities
- Learning cities and regions
- Education for sustainability
- Sustainability indicators workshops
Recent research/consultancy:
- 2007-2009 ARC Linkage Grant, Carbon Neutral Communities; Making the Transition
- 2006-2008 ARC Discovery Grant. Enhancing Capacity for Change: Promoting Leadership in Sustainable Consumption amongst, Australian Youth
- 2006-2008 ARC Linkage Grant. Building capacity for a sustainable future: Organisational learning and curriculum change
- 2006-2007 Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute. Design frameworks for remote Indigenous housing
- 2006-2008 ARC Linkage Grant. Building community capital to support sustainable numeracy education in remote locations
- 2005-2007 Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria - Our Water, Our Future PhD Scholarship. Enhancing social learning for sustainability in water management and conservation in Victoria
- 2005 Commissioner for Sustainability, Victoria. Community education for sustainability
- 2004 National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Reorienting TVET towards sustainability
- 2003 - 04 National Youth Advisory Research Scheme. Young Australian as agents of change: A case study of sustainable consumption
- 2007-2008 International Hydrological Propgramme, UNESCO, Paris. Chair, International Working Group on Water Education
- 2005-2007 UNESCO, Paris. International policy for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
- 2004-2008 UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn. Reorienting technical and vocational education for sustainable development, Engaging the Corporate Sector in TVET for Sustainable Development
Selected publications:
- Fien, J., Maclean, R. and Park, M. (eds) (2008) Work, Learning and Sustainability, Springer, Dortrecht, Netherlands.
- Stevenson, R., Tilbury, D., Fien, J. and Schreuder, D., eds, (2002) Education and Sustainability: Responding to the Global Challenge - IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
- Fien, J., Yencken, D. and Sykes, H. eds. (2002) Young People and the Environment: An Asia-Pacific Perspective - Kluwer, Dortrecht, Netherlands.
Book Chapters
- Fien, J. and Hughes, P. (2008) Education and the End of Poverty: Three Ways Forward, in Clarke, M and S. Feeny (2007) Education for the End of Poverty: Implementing all the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific, Nova Science, New York, Ch. 1.
- Fien, J., Murphy, T. and Goldney, T. (2008) Rethinking Development: As if the Planet and its People Really Mattered, in Fien, J., Maclean, R. and Park, M. (eds) Work, Learning and Sustainability, Springer, Dortrecht, Netherlands.
- Fien, J., Maclean, R. and Wilson, D. (2008 forthcoming) Learning to Work for the Future, in International Encyclopedia of Education. 3rd ed., Springer, Dortrecht
- Fien. J. (2007) Care And Compassion: Values Commitment And Attitude Clarification In Education, in Maclean, R. (ed.) Learning And Teaching For The Twenty-First Century, Springer, Dortrecht, 197-209.
- Fien, J. (2005) Beyond the City Edge, in Charlesworth, E. (ed.) CityEdge: Case Studies in Contemporary Urbanism, Oxford: Architectural Press, 291-312.
- Fien, J. (2005) Education for Sustainability, in R. Gilbert (ed.) Studies of Society and Environment, Melbourne: Thomson, 184-200.
- Fien, J. and Lopez Ospina, G. (2004) Lifelong Learning, in Scott, W. and Gough, S. (eds.) Key Issues in Sustainable Development and Learning, Routledge/Falmer, 38-40.
- Fien, J. and Heck, D. (2003) Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development, in Keeves, J. and Watanabe, R. (eds.) International Handbook of Educational Research in the Asia-Pacific Region, Part One, Kluwer, Dortrecht, Netherlands, 569-584.
- Fien, J. (2003) Young People and the Environment: Results and Implications of a Study of Environmental Knowledge, Beliefs and Behaviour in Asia and the Pacific, in Hills, P. and Man, C. S. (eds.) New Directions in Environmental Education for Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong, 15-32.
- Fien, J. (2002) Teacher Education for Sustainability: A Case Study of the UNESCO Multimedia Teacher Education programme, in van Dam-Mieras, R., Michelsen, G. and Winkelmann, H-P., eds. Higher Education in the Context of Sustainable Development and Globalization, Verlag fur Akademische Schriften, Frankfurt, 71-91.
- Fien, J. (2002) Synthesis: A Cross-Cultural Reflection, in J. Fien, D. Yencken and H. Sykes, eds. Young People and the Environment: An Asia-Pacific Perspective, Kluwer, Dortrecht, Netherlands, 151-171.
- Fien, J. (2002) Australia, in J. Fien, D. Yencken and H. Sykes, eds. Young People and the Environment: An Asia-Pacific Perspective, Kluwer, Dortrecht, Netherlands, 103-114.
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